Variant in spanish


pronunciation: bɑɹ̩iɑnte part of speech: noun
In gestures

variant1 = variante. [Nombre]

Example: Nearly 44% of variants were identified as being a 'near match' to the standard form.


» spelling variant = variante ortográfica.

Example: Spelling variants, misspellings and transliteration differences will all increase the difficulty of retrieving information.

» word variant = variante morfológica de una palabra.

Example: Truncation achieves the same result as linking word variants with OR, without the need to specify all of the variants.

variant2 = variante, diferente. [Adjetivo]

Example: If the variant heading given in the reference heading area is identified as a variant to more than one uniform heading, area 3 may contain multiple uniform headings.


» invariant = invariable, fija.

Example: Because authority file invariant and document-specific (variable) information are not separated in a MARC record, both are usually entered each time a document is cataloged.

» time-variant = dinámico, que cambia con el tiempo.

Example: A data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, nonvolatile collection of data in support of management's decision making process.

» variant heading = variante de un encabezamiento.

Example: A variant heading is a heading in a form other than that established as the uniform heading.

» variant reading = variante de un texto.

Example: A variant text is conventionally represented in a footnote quoting the text to be elided, the variant reading, and a code identifying its source.

» variant spelling = variaciones ortográficas.

Example: Until the mid seventeenth century variant spelling within limits was a permissible and usual feature of compositors' orthography.

» variant text = variante de un texto.

Example: A variant text is conventionally represented in a footnote quoting the text to be elided, the variant reading, and a code identifying its source.

Variant synonyms

form in spanish: , pronunciation: fɔrm part of speech: noun, verb strain in spanish: , pronunciation: streɪn part of speech: noun different in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪfɜrənt part of speech: adjective discrepancy in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪskrepənsi part of speech: noun version in spanish: , pronunciation: vɜrʒən part of speech: noun variance in spanish: , pronunciation: veriəns part of speech: noun variation in spanish: , pronunciation: verieɪʃən part of speech: noun variate in spanish: , pronunciation: verieɪt part of speech: noun random variable in spanish: , pronunciation: rændəmveriəbəl part of speech: noun
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