Vat in spanish


pronunciation: tinɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

VAT (value added tax)1 = impuesto sobre el valor añadido (IVA). 

Example: These 'own resources' comprise agricultural and sugar levies, customs duties and a percentage of value added tax (VAT).


» impose + VAT = imponer impuestos, poner impuestos.

Example: Librarians should not indulge in complacency in the wake of the Chancellor of the Exchequer's decision not to impose any VAT on books for the duration of the present parliament.

vat2 = tina, cuba. [Recipiente en donde se deposita la pasta de papel durante su proceso de refinación]

Example: The stuff was diluted there with water to the appearance and consistency of liquid porridge; it was kept tepid with a small charcoal furnace let into the side of the vat, and it was stirred up occasionally with a paddle.


» hand vat = tina manual.

Example: The introduction of mouldmade paper in about 1910 reduced the production of real hand-made yet further, until by the 1950s there were no more than about a dozen hand vats at work in the whole of Europe.

» VAT (identification) number = número de identificación fiscal.

Example: This system is important also for taxpayers, since it enables them to verify VAT identification numbers of customers from other EU Member States.

Vat synonyms

tub in spanish: , pronunciation: tʌb part of speech: noun ad valorem tax in spanish: , pronunciation: ædvælɜrəmtæks part of speech: noun value-added tax in spanish: , pronunciation: væljuædɪdtæks part of speech: noun
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