Vegetative in spanish


pronunciation: bexetɑtiboʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

vegetative = vegetativo. 

Example: For plants such as onions, garlic, tulip, daffodil, and hyacinth, the bulb is the unit of vegetative propagation.


» persistent vegetative state = estado vegetativo persistente.

Example: It is also not known whether the results are applicable to others in presumed persistent vegetative states.

» vegetative state = estado vegetativo.

Example: But perhaps people do take as certain some things that might not be quite true - namely, that vegetative states cannot be treated.

Vegetative synonyms

vegetable in spanish: , pronunciation: vedʒtəbəl part of speech: noun asexual in spanish: , pronunciation: eɪseksjuəl part of speech: adjective involuntary in spanish: , pronunciation: ɪnvɑlənteri part of speech: adjective vegetal in spanish: , pronunciation: vedʒətəl part of speech: adjective vegetive in spanish: , pronunciation: vedʒɪvɪv part of speech: adjective nonsexual in spanish: , pronunciation: nɑnsekʃuəl part of speech: adjective vegetational in spanish: , pronunciation: vedʒəteɪʃənəl part of speech: adjective
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