Wantonly in spanish

Sin motivo

pronunciation: sinmoʊtiboʊ part of speech: adverb
In gestures

wantonly1 = caprichosamente, sin justificación alguna, sin motivo alguno, imprudentemente, temerariamente. 

Example: Anyone who wilfully or wantonly and without cause writes upon, injures, defaces, tears or destroys any book, plate, picture, engraving, or statue belonging to the Library shall be punished to the full extent of the law of the State.

wantonly2 = lascivamente, promiscuamente, lujuriosamente, licenciosamente. 

Example: The correct Islamic behaviour required of Muslim women which keeps them from wantonly displaying their attractions is characterised by the lowering the gaze.

Wantonly synonyms

promiscuously in spanish: , pronunciation: prəmɪskwəsli part of speech: adverb licentiously in spanish: , pronunciation: laɪsenʃəsli part of speech: adverb
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