Warming in spanish


pronunciation: kɑlentɑmientoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

warm3 = calentar. 

Example: The copperplate was warmed and then inked with a dabber and wiped to clean the unengraved areas.


» warm + Posesivo + cockles = resucitar a los muertos. [Usado generalmente para describir una comida/bebida que reconforta cuando hace mal tiempo]

Example: We've created a menu that showcases the best of our wild harvest and will surely warm your cockles as you batten down the hatches for Winter.

» warm + the cockles of + Posesivo + heart = satisfacer, agradar, reconfortar.

Example: The organizers announced that the high conference attendance in Glasgow will bring 160,000 Euros into the IFLA coffers -- news to warm the cockles of a parsimonious treasurer's heart.

» warm up = calentarse, calentar, recalentar.

Example: To use DOBIS/LIBIS, turn the terminal on and wait for it to warm up.

» warm up = hacer ejercicios de calentamiento, hacer el calentamiento, hacer el precalentamiento.

Example: To warm up before lifting weights, do five to 10 minutes of light jogging or walking.

» warm up in + the wings = esperar su oportunidad, esperar su momento, esperar entre bastidores.

Example: A point of note is that even as the competition intensifies between the two top players, a whole bunch of newcomers are warming up in the wings.

» warm (up) to = desinhibirse con, hacerse a, perder la timidez con.

Example: I have the ability to do this on my own, but it takes a helluva long time for me to warm up to people.

» warm up to = tomar cariño a, coger cariño a.

Example: He, at first, is very cold to Kotoko, but warms up to her as the story progresses.

» warm up to + the idea = entusiasmarse con la idea, empezar a gustar la idea.

Example: Once I got a better sense of what was being planned, I started to warm up to the idea.

warming = reconfortante, que hace entrar en calor. 

Example: A big pumpkin, cut into quarters and baked, is a sweet and warming supper.


» global warming = calentamiento del planeta, calentamiento de la Tierra, calentamiento de la atmósfera, calentamiento global.

Example: Earth Sciences experts are trying to convince world decision makers of the dangers of climate changes such as global warming.

» heart-warming = alentador, estimulante, reconfortante.

Example: The recent rain has been a heart-warming sight but it doesn't mean the drought is over.

» housewarming = fiesta de inauguración de una vivienda, fiesta de estreno de una vivienda.

Example: It was a fantastic housewarming that people would remember for a while!.

Warming synonyms

hot in spanish: , pronunciation: hɑt part of speech: adjective warm in spanish: , pronunciation: wɔrm part of speech: adjective thaw in spanish: , pronunciation: θɔ part of speech: noun, verb melting in spanish: , pronunciation: meltɪŋ part of speech: noun heating in spanish: , pronunciation: hitɪŋ part of speech: noun thawing in spanish: , pronunciation: θɔɪŋ part of speech: noun calefacient in spanish: , pronunciation: kæləfeɪʃənt part of speech: adjective
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