Watcher in spanish


pronunciation: bixilɑnte part of speech: noun
In gestures

watcher = persona que ve/observa. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: Children should be taught to be selective TV watchers and shown that television is a powerful advertising and propaganda tool.


» birdwatcher [bird-watcher] = observador de aves y pájaros.

Example: Most birders or birdwatchers pursue the activity of birdwatching or birding for recreational or social reasons, unlike ornithologists, who are engaged in the formal scientific study of birds.

» industry watcher = observador industrial. [Persona que se dedica a analizar las incidencias que diariamente ocurren en el sector industrial]

Example: Shareholders and industry watchers can find it difficult to see the true state of a company if they accept the accounts at face value.

» weight watcher = persona que se cuida la línea.

Example: As a matter of interest to weight watchers, canned chicken broth has twice as many calories as canned beef broth.

Watcher synonyms

witness in spanish: , pronunciation: wɪtnəs part of speech: noun, verb spectator in spanish: , pronunciation: spekteɪtɜr part of speech: noun viewer in spanish: , pronunciation: vjuɜr part of speech: noun watchman in spanish: , pronunciation: wɑtʃmən part of speech: noun security guard in spanish: , pronunciation: sɪkjʊrətigɑrd part of speech: noun
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