Cacao in english


pronunciation: koʊkoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

cacao = cocoa ; cacao. 

Example: This devil's food cake is made with chocolate cocoa and sugar and shortening and eggs.Example: Every year there are more and more tons of cacao sold to the United States.


» árbol del cacaocacao tree .

Example: Chocolate comes from the equatorial cacao tree's unassuming cocoa beans.

» barra de cacao de labioschapstick .

Example: My advice to you is instead of chapstick try applying a lip balm or Vaseline.

» grano de cacaocacao beancocoa bean .

Example: As legend goes Cortes was greeted by natives that gave him a sackful of cacao beans in exchange for some of his own merchandise.

Example: Chocolate comes from the equatorial cacao tree's unassuming cocoa beans.

» haba de cacaocacao beancocoa bean .

Example: As legend goes Cortes was greeted by natives that gave him a sackful of cacao beans in exchange for some of his own merchandise.

Example: Chocolate comes from the equatorial cacao tree's unassuming cocoa beans.

» manteca de cacaococoa butter .

Example: Locate references to substitutes for cocoa butter.

» semilla de cacaocacao beancacao seedcocoa bean .

Example: As legend goes Cortes was greeted by natives that gave him a sackful of cacao beans in exchange for some of his own merchandise.

Example: Real chocolate is a cocoa paste made from cacao seeds.

Example: Chocolate comes from the equatorial cacao tree's unassuming cocoa beans.

Cacao synonyms

chocolate in spanish: chocolate, pronunciation: tʃɔklət part of speech: noun hot chocolate in spanish: chocolate caliente, pronunciation: hɑttʃɔklət part of speech: noun
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