Caco in english


pronunciation: θif part of speech: noun
In gestures

caco = burglar ; thief [thieves, -pl.] ; robber ; pincher. 

Example: Most children can easily see that they need to read if they want to know what it is like to be a sportsman, a nurse, a burglar, a pilot, a patient in a hospital = Most children can easily see that they need to read if they want to know what it is like to be a sportsman, a nurse, a burglar, a pilot, a patient in a hospital.Example: Thieves detected by a security system seem to be largely acting on impulse, or absent-minded or trying to beat the system for sport.Example: Some headings are vague and without scope notes to define them: robbers AND OUTLAWS; CRIME AND CRIMINALS; ROGUES AND VAGABONDS.Example: A crew of pinchers sporting masks and war paint jumped a 26-year-old on March 31, taking his wallet and chain.


» argot (secreto) de los cacosthieves' cant .

Example: The highlight of his reading of criminal culture is his perceptive discussion of thieves' cant, which he interprets as the audible social impact of criminal culture.
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