Cagueta in english


pronunciation: kægetə part of speech: none
In gestures

cagueta1 = wuss ; wimp ; yellow belly ; chicken ; milksop ; milquetoast. 

Example: He goes on to state that liberals are wusses for claiming 'I support the troops but not the war'.Example: I am the wimpiest wimp who ever wimped when it comes to surgery.Example: It's not my fault that the ninnies you hired were such yellow-bellies!.Example: She was so chicken she wouldn't even go on the monkey bars.Example: In fact, he is such a milksop, such a pathetic ninny, that it is hard to believe that Hedda would have married him in the first place.Example: Who would ever have expected such a milquetoast of a man to murder his wife, mother and two kids?.


» ser un caguetabe a pussy .

Example: Life's a bith but sometimes you need to stop being a pussy and man the fuck up! = La vida es una mierda pero a veces necesitas dejar de ser un cobardica y echarle cojones.

cagueta2 = cowardly ; wussy ; wimpy ; wimpish ; yellow-bellied. 

Example: Tachers found girls more virile, obtrusive, mischievous, sharing, straightforward, careless, dependent, quiet, and cowardly.Example: And being against the war and saying you support the troops is one of the wussiest positions the pacifists have ever taken.Example: I am the wimpiest wimp who ever wimped when it comes to surgery.Example: What is not true is the assumption that art that is modest and discreet automatically lacks nerve and is intrinsically boring and wimpish.Example: I can't think of anything that better illustrates the failure of our justice system to deal with such yellow-bellied sods.
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