Dañado in english


pronunciation: dæmədʒd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

dañado = impaired. 

Example: In contrast to higher specificity, higher exhaustivity increases precision at the cost of impaired recall.


» dañado por las inundaciónflood-damaged .

Example: The museum restored many of its flood-damaged books by a process involving freezing, exposure to a vacuum equivalent to an altitude of 200,000 ft.

» reputación dañadatarnished reputation .

Example: Changing perceptions and improving tarnished reputations is a huge task that will take considerable time.

dañar = damage ; impair ; cause + erosion ; injure ; do + harm. 

Example: Single holds are useful, for example, when a particular copy of a document is damaged or needs rebinding.Example: It is difficult to neglect either entirely, without impairing the effectiveness in fulfilling the other objective.Example: The replacement of the book catalog by the card catalog has caused a grave erosion of the ideal catalog sought by Panizzi and Cutter.Example: Dialog is being injured and will continue to be injured if the American Chemical Society continues to assert falsely that Dialog is underpaying royalties.Example: Miss Laski suggests that the depiction of life found in many novels is naive, over-simplified and, as a constant diet, can do more harm than good.


» dañar la credibilidadimpair + Posesivo + credibilitydamage + Posesivo + credibility .

Example: There exists a failure of LC cataloging to contemporize archaic, or just simply awkward, forms that impair both access and credibility.

Example: Sloppy reference work and lack of verification effort inevitably result in damaging a librarian's credibility with other librarians from whom assistance may be sought.

» dañar + Posesivo + imagentarnish + Posesivo + image .

Example: Everything possible is being done to tarnish the image of Islam and Muslims worldwide = Se está haciendo todo lo posible para dañar la imagen del Islam y de los musulmanes en todo el mundo.

» dañar + Posesivo + reputacióntarnish + Posesivo + reputationbesmirch + Posesivo + reputationsmirch + Posesivo + reputation .

Example: It is deeply regrettable that the venal activities of a few individuals have tarnished the reputation of thousands of honest people.

Example: Haydon himself was largely responsible for besmirching Knight's reputation as a connoisseur and a gentleman.

Example: The same method could be followed to smirch the reputation of any race.

» dañarsehurt + Reflexivoinjure + Reflexivo .

Example: The sack race and three-legged race have been banned from a school sports day because the children might fall over and hurt themselves.

Example: She died after injuring herself while trying to do somersaults.

» que no daña el medio ambienteenvironmentally soundenvironmentally friendlyeco-friendly [Consulta la entrada "eco" para ver otras palabras que empiezan por esta abreviatura] .

Example: Acid-free permanent paper is no more costly than acid paper and is environmentally sound = El papel libre de ácido permanente no es más costoso que el papel ácido y no perjudica el medio ambiente.

Example: Consumer perceptions of the two top-selling brands are perceived to be more environmentally friendly than the other brands.

Example: Read on for 10 eco-friendly things that you can do with lemons, then hot-foot it to your local farmers' market to stock up.

Dañado synonyms

burst in spanish: ráfaga, pronunciation: bɜrst part of speech: verb, noun hurt in spanish: herir, pronunciation: hɜrt part of speech: verb, noun rent in spanish: alquilar, pronunciation: rent part of speech: noun, verb bent in spanish: doblado, pronunciation: bent part of speech: adjective, noun broken in spanish: roto, pronunciation: broʊkən part of speech: adjective dilapidated in spanish: arruinado, pronunciation: dəlæpədeɪtɪd part of speech: adjective torn in spanish: Rasgado, pronunciation: tɔrn part of speech: adjective ramshackle in spanish: destartalado, pronunciation: ræmʃækəl part of speech: adjective tainted in spanish: contaminado, pronunciation: teɪntɪd part of speech: adjective marred in spanish: estropeado, pronunciation: mɑrd part of speech: adjective busted in spanish: reventado, pronunciation: bʌstɪd part of speech: adjective blasted in spanish: maldito, pronunciation: blæstəd part of speech: adjective bedraggled in spanish: manchado de barro, pronunciation: bɪdrægəld part of speech: adjective battered in spanish: abollado, pronunciation: bætɜrd part of speech: adjective disreputable in spanish: de mala fama, pronunciation: dɪsrepjətəbəl part of speech: adjective ripped in spanish: rasgado, pronunciation: rɪpt part of speech: verb spotted in spanish: manchado, pronunciation: spɑtəd part of speech: adjective sullied in spanish: mancillado, pronunciation: sʌlid part of speech: adjective trodden in spanish: pisoteado, pronunciation: trɑdən part of speech: adjective riddled in spanish: acribillado, pronunciation: rɪdəld part of speech: adjective cracked in spanish: agrietado, pronunciation: krækt part of speech: adjective stained in spanish: manchado, pronunciation: steɪnd part of speech: adjective tarnished in spanish: empañado, pronunciation: tɑrnɪʃt part of speech: adjective crumpled in spanish: estropeado, pronunciation: krʌmpəld part of speech: adjective ruptured in spanish: roto, pronunciation: rʌptʃɜrd part of speech: adjective unsound in spanish: defectuoso, pronunciation: ənsaʊnd part of speech: adjective scorched in spanish: chamuscado, pronunciation: skɔrtʃt part of speech: adjective mangled in spanish: destrozado, pronunciation: mæŋgəld part of speech: adjective peeling in spanish: peladura, pronunciation: pilɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective crazed in spanish: loco, pronunciation: kreɪzd part of speech: adjective scraped in spanish: raspado, pronunciation: skreɪpt part of speech: adjective mutilated in spanish: mutilado, pronunciation: mjutəleɪtəd part of speech: adjective dented in spanish: abollado, pronunciation: dentɪd part of speech: adjective trampled in spanish: pisoteado, pronunciation: træmpəld part of speech: adjective discredited in spanish: desacreditado, pronunciation: dɪskredɪtɪd part of speech: adjective blemished in spanish: manchado, pronunciation: blemɪʃt part of speech: adjective weakened in spanish: debilitado, pronunciation: wikənd part of speech: adjective flyblown in spanish: flyblown, pronunciation: flɪblaʊn part of speech: adjective besmirched in spanish: manchado, pronunciation: bɪsmɜrtʃt part of speech: adjective scratched in spanish: rayado, pronunciation: skrætʃt part of speech: adjective defaced in spanish: desfigurado, pronunciation: dɪfeɪst part of speech: adjective crackled in spanish: crepitante, pronunciation: krækəld part of speech: verb beat-up in spanish: golpeado, pronunciation: bitʌp part of speech: adjective broken-down in spanish: descompuesto, pronunciation: broʊkəndaʊn part of speech: adjective tumble-down in spanish: caer, pronunciation: tʌmbəldaʊn part of speech: adjective broken-backed in spanish: respaldo roto, pronunciation: broʊkənbækt part of speech: adjective storm-beaten in spanish: golpeado por la tormenta, pronunciation: stɔrmbitən part of speech: adjective beaten-up in spanish: golpeado, pronunciation: bitənʌp part of speech: adjective
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