Debatir in english

To debate

pronunciation: tudəbeɪt part of speech: none
In gestures

debatir = argue ; debate ; discuss ; talk over ; deliberate ; pick up on ; bring into + discussion ; bounce off + ideas ; parley. 

Example: Cutter argued that when it could be established that the second term was definitely more significant then inversion of headings was acceptable.Example: The reader is left to debate the relative merits of such a format - obviously its applications are limited.Example: This review also illustrates some of the issues which cataloguers have discussed over the years, and demonstrates other solutions to standards in cataloguing than those embodied in modern cataloguing codes.Example: Let's try to talk this over calmly and coolly.Example: Ethical principles are called into play when deliberating about values, particularly when values run into conflict.Example: The report picks up on this as a surprising finding, suggesting implicitly that open access journals are lagging behind in this regard.Example: Furthermore, this example brings into discussion the concept of a more complex relationship between the human senses and water in architecture.Example: The men outnumbered us women and it was great to be able to chat to them about all kinds of subjects and bounce off ideas.Example: After parleying with the captain for a short time they took their departure, only to return, largely reinforced.


» debatir con Alguienbounce + ideas off + Nombre .

Example: It was fantastic to have someone to bounce ideas off who has been there before.

» debatir dilatadamentediscuss + Nombre + at (great) length .

Example: This article outlines a list of criteria for critical assessment and discusses at length the role of travel guides in public libraries.

» debatir el impacto de algodiscuss + the impact of .

Example: This article discusses the impact of such trends as aging population, privatisation, and the paperless society on library facilities.

» debatir en profundidaddiscuss + Nombre + at (great) length .

Example: This article outlines a list of criteria for critical assessment and discusses at length the role of travel guides in public libraries.

» debatir las consecuencias de algodiscuss + the implications of .

Example: This article discusses the serious implications of published research on price comparisons, especially when periodical prices are experiencing a meteoric rise.

» debatitse entre... y/o...hover between... and/or... .

Example: Goethe too hovers between the ideas of acquiring knowledge by proceeding from the whole to the parts or vice versa.

» debatir sobre lo ocurridodebrief .

Example: This article describes how the library developed a strategic disaster plan, staff training and implementation, and the role of debriefing following incidents.

» debatir una cuestióndiscuss + an ideadiscuss + an ideadiscuss + an issue .

Example: The research described in this chapter tends to show that many of the ideas regarding semantic and syntactic relationships discussed in this text are open to question.

Example: The research described in this chapter tends to show that many of the ideas regarding semantic and syntactic relationships discussed in this text are open to question.

Example: I think it would be useful to take just a few minutes to talk about how our institutions come into being, because I think it will help us to better understand the issues I want to discuss.

» debatir una ideatoss around + an idea .

Example: The idea for this kind of program was tossed around in fits and starts.

» debatir un problemadiscuss + a problem .

Example: All SLIS heads co-operated willingly, discussing their problems, difficulties and achievements candidly and critically.

» empezar a debatirembark on/upon + a discussion .

Example: Before embarking on a discussion of the nature and future of the library catalog in the context of computer technology, we should quickly review the forces which have carried us to this threshold of the future.

» estar debatiéndosebe under discussion .

Example: A proposal for an ISADN is under discussion within the IFLA Working Group on an International Authority System.

» sin debatirundiscussed .

Example: Its distortive influence on feminist research has so far remained undiscussed.
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