Débilmente in english


pronunciation: wikli part of speech: adverb
In gestures

débilmente = faintly ; weakly ; dimly ; feebly ; dully. 

Example: It is the cool and perfectly proper expression of a confident professionalism, still only faintly discernible.Example: The simplest kind of output ranking, known as quorum matching, simply ANDS all query terms together, then drops any one, then any two, and so on, to give a weakly ordered output.Example: But just as a person with a vague discomfort dimly fears cancer, so he dimly feared that there might be something to watch for in the way she handled people.Example: Developing countries are befeniting slowly and feebly from technological innovations which have not been desgined for the particular needs, planning, and management capabilities of these countries.Example: In the Pleiades star cluster only six of the stars shine brightly, the seventh, Merope, shines dully because she is shamed for eternity for having an affair.

Débilmente synonyms

decrepit in spanish: decrépito, pronunciation: dəkrepɪt part of speech: adjective weak in spanish: débiles, pronunciation: wik part of speech: adjective feeble in spanish: débil, pronunciation: fibəl part of speech: adjective frail in spanish: frágil, pronunciation: freɪl part of speech: adjective infirm in spanish: enfermizo, pronunciation: ɪnfɜrm part of speech: adjective sapless in spanish: sin savia, pronunciation: sæpləs part of speech: adjective
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