Decoroso in english


pronunciation: dekɜrəs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

decoroso = decent ; decorous ; dignified. 

Example: These are benefits, often in cash, which the state has decided are required by various needy categories of its citizens in order to keep up a decent standard of living.Example: One might be forgiven for assuming that the question of class did not impinge upon the decorous and even tenor of the average librarian's working week.Example: By the same token, the Obama campaign has remained relatively dignified, has survived the worst of crises, has been even-keeled, efficient and well-managed.


» poco decorosoundignifiedindelicate .

Example: He was willing to overlook her impetuous and undignified behavior during those first days.

Example: While there is no excusing some of the indelicate things she said, there was a kindness to Marge that made her a woman of the people.

Decoroso synonyms

decent in spanish: bueno, pronunciation: disənt part of speech: adjective proper in spanish: apropiado, pronunciation: prɑpɜr part of speech: adjective staid in spanish: serio, pronunciation: steɪd part of speech: adjective sedate in spanish: sosegado, pronunciation: sɪdeɪt part of speech: adjective comely in spanish: gentil, pronunciation: kʌmli part of speech: adjective becoming in spanish: devenir, pronunciation: bɪkʌmɪŋ part of speech: adjective seemly in spanish: decoroso, pronunciation: simli part of speech: adjective comme il faut in spanish: comme il faut, pronunciation: kɑmɪlfɔt part of speech: adjective
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