Ebrio in english


pronunciation: drʌŋk part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

ebrio = intoxicated ; drunken ; under the influence ; drunk ; squiffy ; like three sheets to the wind ; sloshed ; plastered ; inebriated ; well-oiled. 

Example: A few days ago, our library director was hit by a car driven by an intoxicated driver and suffered severe injuries.Example: Women suffragists reaped an unexpected publicity bonanza when the 1913 national suffrage parade in Washington was broken up by a drunken mob.Example: He was being held without bail after his fifth arrest for operating under the influence.Example: Most innkeepers were crooks, the food was bad, and the inns were frequented by cutthroats and drunks.Example: It'd be horrible to be one of those people who got morose when they were slightly squiffy.Example: There definitely are things you should stay away from, unless you're already like three sheets to the wind and you don't give a fuck.Example: I was with Megan and she was sloshed but still more coherent than me and she had some hillarious stories the next morning.Example: He was plastered but still remained concious enough to tell some good jokes.Example: And much to her astonishment, there was yours truly standing behind five inebriated women each holding one of the signs I had made.Example: After a while, we were both well-oiled after a few beers, which helped break down the barriers, and in time we were talking about the wildlife and the hills that were our common bond.


» conductor ebriodrink-driverdrunk driver .

Example: Roadside checks will be a major part of the campaign to trap drink-drivers.

Example: On average, a drunk driver will drive 80 times under the influence before their first arrest.

Ebrio synonyms

high in spanish: alto, pronunciation: haɪ part of speech: adjective blind in spanish: ciego, pronunciation: blaɪnd part of speech: adjective, noun wet in spanish: mojado, pronunciation: wet part of speech: adjective tight in spanish: apretado, pronunciation: taɪt part of speech: adjective excited in spanish: emocionado, pronunciation: ɪksaɪtəd part of speech: adjective stiff in spanish: rígido, pronunciation: stɪf part of speech: adjective mellow in spanish: meloso, pronunciation: meloʊ part of speech: adjective besotted in spanish: atontado, pronunciation: bɪsɑtɪd part of speech: adjective sot in spanish: borrachín, pronunciation: sɔt part of speech: noun loaded in spanish: cargado, pronunciation: loʊdəd part of speech: adjective rummy in spanish: borracho, pronunciation: rʌmi part of speech: noun potty in spanish: orinal, pronunciation: pɑti part of speech: adjective, noun tipsy in spanish: achispado, pronunciation: tɪpsi part of speech: adjective inebriated in spanish: embriagado, pronunciation: ɪnebrieɪtəd part of speech: adjective bacchanal in spanish: báquico, pronunciation: bəkeɪnəl part of speech: noun bibulous in spanish: absorbente, pronunciation: bɪbjələs part of speech: adjective inebriate in spanish: ebrio, pronunciation: ɪnebrieɪt part of speech: noun drunkard in spanish: borracho, pronunciation: drʌŋkɜrd part of speech: noun blotto in spanish: blotto, pronunciation: blɑtoʊ part of speech: adjective carousing in spanish: carrusing, pronunciation: kɜraʊzɪŋ part of speech: adjective intoxicated in spanish: embriagado, pronunciation: ɪntɑksəkeɪtəd part of speech: adjective squiffy in spanish: squiffy, pronunciation: skwɪfi part of speech: adjective pixilated in spanish: pixelado, pronunciation: pɪksəleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective stoned in spanish: drogado, pronunciation: stoʊnd part of speech: adjective soaked in spanish: mojado, pronunciation: soʊkt part of speech: adjective pissed in spanish: Molesto, pronunciation: pɪst part of speech: adjective plastered in spanish: borracho, pronunciation: plæstɜrd part of speech: adjective drunken in spanish: borracho, pronunciation: drʌŋkən part of speech: adjective orgiastic in spanish: orgiástico, pronunciation: ɔrdʒiæstɪk part of speech: adjective soused in spanish: en escabeche, pronunciation: saʊzd part of speech: adjective bacchanalian in spanish: bacanal, pronunciation: bækənɑljən part of speech: adjective tiddly in spanish: ordenadamente, pronunciation: tɪdli part of speech: adjective smashed in spanish: colocado, pronunciation: smæʃt part of speech: adjective beery in spanish: aguardentoso, pronunciation: bɪri part of speech: adjective doped in spanish: dopado, pronunciation: doʊpt part of speech: adjective sloshed in spanish: borracho, pronunciation: slɑʃt part of speech: adjective bacchic in spanish: báquico, pronunciation: bækɪk part of speech: adjective sottish in spanish: embrutecido por el alcohol, pronunciation: sɑtɪʃ part of speech: adjective boozy in spanish: borracho, pronunciation: buzi part of speech: adjective sozzled in spanish: ajumado, pronunciation: sɑzəld part of speech: adjective crocked in spanish: usado un cacharro, pronunciation: krɑkt part of speech: adjective drugged in spanish: drogado, pronunciation: drʌgd part of speech: adjective fuddled in spanish: borracho, pronunciation: fʌdəld part of speech: adjective slopped in spanish: inclinado, pronunciation: slɑpt part of speech: adjective tiddley in spanish: tiddley, pronunciation: tɪdli part of speech: adjective blind drunk in spanish: Borracho ciego, pronunciation: blaɪnddrʌŋk part of speech: adjective narcotized in spanish: narcotizado, pronunciation: nɑrkətaɪzd part of speech: adjective hopped-up in spanish: saltó, pronunciation: hɑpədʌp part of speech: adjective half-seas-over in spanish: medio mar, pronunciation: hæfsizoʊvɜr part of speech: adjective
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