Económicamente in english


pronunciation: ekənɑmɪkli part of speech: adverb
In gestures

económicamente = economically ; financially ; fiscally. 

Example: With printed thesauri there are limits on space, if the publication is to be economically viable, and easy to handle.Example: Established in 1969, SWALCAP has been financially self-sufficient since 1979.Example: Public libraries are supported by tax dollars and augmenting that support by charging fees not only is fiscally sound, it is equitable.


» aprovecharse económicamenteline + Posesivo + (own) pocket(s) .

Example: A number of Antiquaries feared that it was all a plot hatched by 'a few designing members' to line their own pockets.

» beneficiarse económicamenteline + Posesivo + (own) pocket(s) .

Example: A number of Antiquaries feared that it was all a plot hatched by 'a few designing members' to line their own pockets.

» marginados económicamente, loseconomically deprived, the [Expresión normalmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: The public library began to extend services to the previously unserved: minorities, the disabled, the aged, the illiterate, the institutionalized, and the economically deprived.

» para beneficiarse económicamentefor profit .

Example: Most shoe merchants do their sincerest best for their customers considering our limited knowledge of foot health -- others heartlessly use our lack of knowledge solely for profit.

» peor económicamenteworst off .

Example: The European Regional Development Fund provides cash for regional economic development and recovery in the worst off regions in the Community.

» ser autosuficiente económicamentepay + Posesivo + own way .

Example: If they had to pay their own way, some schools would probably decide to spend their money elsewhere.
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