Egresar in english


pronunciation: grædʒəwət part of speech: noun
In gestures

egresar = graduate. 

Example: He was awarded the bachelor's degree, magna cum laude, from Harvard University, and he attended Rutgers Library School where he graduated first in his class.

Egresar synonyms

alum in spanish: alumbre, pronunciation: æləm part of speech: noun alumnus in spanish: antiguo alumno, pronunciation: əlʌmnəs part of speech: noun calibrate in spanish: calibrar, pronunciation: kæləbreɪt part of speech: verb fine-tune in spanish: afinar, pronunciation: faɪntun part of speech: verb postgraduate in spanish: Postgrado, pronunciation: poʊstgrædʒəwət part of speech: adjective, noun alumna in spanish: antigua alumna, pronunciation: əlʌmnə part of speech: noun grad in spanish: graduado, pronunciation: græd part of speech: noun
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