Fajo in english


pronunciation: wɑd part of speech: noun
In gestures

fajar = gird ; swaddle. 

Example: The peaks and rocks of grotesque shapes are girded by clear streams and embraced by green trees and bamboo plants.Example: Swaddling infants with the hips and knees in an extended position may increase the risk of hip dysplasia and dislocation.

fajo = bundle ; sheaf [sheaves, -pl.]. 

Example: Many of them use a technique called packet-switching in which data are sent from transmitter to receiver in small bundles or packets.Example: It might come as a surprise, but the sheaves were not bound by cord -- cord is too thin and cuts into the outside of the sheaf, crinkling the all important straw.


» en fajosin sheaf form .

Example: Early union catalogues were produced in card or sheaf form = Los primeros catálogos colectivos se hacían en formato de fichas o en fajos.

» un fajo de billetesa bundle of banknotes .

Example: Incredibly it contained bundles of banknotes, some going back to the nineteenth century and all in mint condition.

» un fajo de dineroa bundle of money .

Example: Frank found a bundle of money in plain view in one of the dresser's drawers in his hotel room.

Fajo synonyms

lot in spanish: mucho, pronunciation: lɑt part of speech: noun deal in spanish: acuerdo, pronunciation: dil part of speech: noun, verb mass in spanish: masa, pronunciation: mæs part of speech: noun pack in spanish: paquete, pronunciation: pæk part of speech: noun, verb pot in spanish: maceta, pronunciation: pɑt part of speech: noun sight in spanish: visión, pronunciation: saɪt part of speech: noun stack in spanish: apilar, pronunciation: stæk part of speech: noun ram in spanish: RAM, pronunciation: ræm part of speech: noun slew in spanish: montón, pronunciation: slu part of speech: noun jam in spanish: mermelada, pronunciation: dʒæm part of speech: noun flock in spanish: rebaño, pronunciation: flɑk part of speech: noun plug in spanish: enchufe, pronunciation: plʌg part of speech: noun mess in spanish: lío, pronunciation: mes part of speech: noun pile in spanish: pila, pronunciation: paɪl part of speech: noun bundle in spanish: haz, pronunciation: bʌndəl part of speech: noun spate in spanish: avalancha, pronunciation: speɪt part of speech: noun mint in spanish: menta, pronunciation: mɪnt part of speech: noun heap in spanish: montón, pronunciation: hip part of speech: noun compact in spanish: compacto, pronunciation: kɑmpækt part of speech: adjective, noun raft in spanish: balsa, pronunciation: ræft part of speech: noun batch in spanish: lote, pronunciation: bætʃ part of speech: noun cram in spanish: atestar, pronunciation: kræm part of speech: verb quid in spanish: libra, pronunciation: kwɪd part of speech: noun plenty in spanish: mucho, pronunciation: plenti part of speech: noun peck in spanish: picotear, pronunciation: pek part of speech: noun chew in spanish: masticar, pronunciation: tʃu part of speech: verb, noun cud in spanish: rumia, pronunciation: kʌd part of speech: noun mickle in spanish: mickle, pronunciation: mɪkəl part of speech: noun chaw in spanish: goma, pronunciation: tʃɔ part of speech: noun, verb muckle in spanish: muckle, pronunciation: mʌkəl part of speech: noun hatful in spanish: sombrero, pronunciation: hætfəl part of speech: noun jampack in spanish: jampack, pronunciation: dʒæmpæk part of speech: verb good deal in spanish: buen negocio, pronunciation: gʊddil part of speech: noun great deal in spanish: Gran oferta, pronunciation: greɪtdil part of speech: noun chock up in spanish: juntarse, pronunciation: tʃɑkʌp part of speech: verb tidy sum in spanish: suma ordenada, pronunciation: taɪdisʌm part of speech: noun quite a little in spanish: Un poco, pronunciation: kwaɪtəlɪtəl part of speech: noun whole slew in spanish: toda la vida, pronunciation: hoʊlslu part of speech: noun whole lot in spanish: mucho, pronunciation: hoʊllɑt part of speech: noun
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