Fan in english


pronunciation: fæn part of speech: noun
In gestures

fan = fan ; groupie. 

Example: The article 'Why girls flock to Sweet Valley High' investigates the appeal to girls of adolescent romances and what, if anything, could be done to broaden the reading habits of such fans of formula fiction.Example: It seems the boys aren't averse to partying and generally having a good time with their groupies though.


» club de fansfandom  ; fan club .

Example: This is due, in part, to structural similarities between fandom and populism, stressing negative modes of identification and desire to return to a mythic past.

Example: Hello and welcome to the first on-line fan club devoted in loving memory to one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood.

» fans, losfandom  .

Example: This is due, in part, to structural similarities between fandom and populism, stressing negative modes of identification and desire to return to a mythic past.

Fan synonyms

buff in spanish: pulir, pronunciation: bʌf part of speech: noun, adjective winnow in spanish: aventar, pronunciation: wɪnoʊ part of speech: verb, noun lover in spanish: amante, pronunciation: lʌvɜr part of speech: noun afficionado in spanish: aficionado, pronunciation: æfitʃoʊnɑdoʊ part of speech: noun devotee in spanish: devoto, pronunciation: devəti part of speech: noun strike out in spanish: tachar, pronunciation: straɪkaʊt part of speech: verb sports fan in spanish: fan de los deportes, pronunciation: spɔrtsfæn part of speech: noun
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