Fanfarrón in english


pronunciation: brægɜrt part of speech: noun
In gestures

fanfarrón1 = blowhard ; show-off ; showboat ; hot dog ; braggart ; loudmouth ; crapster ; bullshitter ; douchebag ; douche ; swank ; bluffer ; bullshit artist ; piss artist ; grandstander ; showboater. 

Example: He was described as 'a self-important, self-righteous blowhard, puffing his filthy pipe, patches on the elbows of his well-worn tweed jacket, decked out in the cliche costume of the shabby liberal icon'.Example: The ebullient Mr Wang is a chatterbox and a bit of a show-off.Example: Steve knows that he is a 'showboat, a little bit of a prick,' but he also knows that it's too late for a man in his fifties to change.Example: Jerry Hairston is a bit of a hot dog and needs to be reined in at times.Example: Palma, described by many as an indiscreet braggart, told people at the gun range that the group was preparing for clandestine trips to Cuba.Example: In that respect, if, in fact, some people may think of her as a 'loudmouth' or 'showboat' or 'jerk,' it could be good for women's soccer.Example: There are loads of really talented but unqualified people who never get a chance to shine for one reason or another and there are loads of crapsters and bullshitters who land a cushy deal.Example: There are loads of really talented but unqualified people who never get a chance to shine for one reason or another and there are loads of crapsters and bullshitters who land a cushy deal.Example: I had to go through this event alone cause I too had a douchebag as a boyfriend = I had to go through this event alone cause I too had a douchebag as a boyfriend.Example: I don't wish anybody to get fired or laid off but that guy is such a douche!.Example: Please God, next time help the poor to be richer, and the rich not to be quite such 'swanks' as they are now, and so make everything fair and equal.Example: Why are poets such bluffers and prevaricators, such dotards in the face of the bald truth?.Example: But we all know a bullshit artist when we encounter one, and we know the feelings of inauthenticity, falsity, and hollowness the bullshit artist evokes.Example: It frustrates me that in this country artists are seen as tricksters or piss artists, whereas in Europe they're treated as professional people with something useful to offer the world.Example: I recognize he was difficult to work with and a bit of a grandstander, and I still submit that a legislative body needs those people.Example: Showboaters are not harmful but can become so if they don't get the recognition they seek.


» ser un fanfarrónbe all mouthbe all talk .

Example: Some have been referred to as being all ears, while others have been noted as being all mouth = A algunos se les conoce por ser todo oídos, mientras que a otros por ser unos bocazas.

Example: This girl is all talk, she doesn't have what it takes to stand behind her words.

fanfarrón2 = boastful ; swashbuckling ; showy . 

Example: The main character displays a boastful attitude that smacks of hubris in the extreme.Example: He was one of the best-known highwaymen of the day with a swashbuckling, devil-may-care character.Example: It was considered gauche to be showy during a time of shortage.

Fanfarrón synonyms

big in spanish: grande, pronunciation: bɪg part of speech: adjective blowhard in spanish: duro, pronunciation: bloʊhɑrd part of speech: noun boastful in spanish: jactancioso, pronunciation: boʊstfəl part of speech: adjective bragging in spanish: fanfarronería, pronunciation: brægɪŋ part of speech: noun boaster in spanish: fanfarrón, pronunciation: boʊstɜr part of speech: noun line-shooter in spanish: tirador de línea, pronunciation: laɪnʃutɜr part of speech: noun vaunter in spanish: vagabundo, pronunciation: vɔntɜr part of speech: noun crowing in spanish: canto, pronunciation: kroʊɪŋ part of speech: noun self-aggrandizing in spanish: autoengrandeciente, pronunciation: selfəgrændaɪzɪŋ part of speech: adjective cock-a-hoop in spanish: cock-a-hoop, pronunciation: kɑkəhup part of speech: adjective braggy in spanish: braggy, pronunciation: brægi part of speech: adjective
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