Gabarra in english


pronunciation: bɑrdʒ part of speech: noun
In gestures

gabarra = lighter ; scow. 

Example: Lighterage is about loading or unloading ships using lighters that can form a sort of ad-hoc ramp or shuttle from ships at anchor.Example: Scows were simple sailing barges, perfect for cheaply transporting raw materials from isolated beaches and river landings.

Gabarra synonyms

lighter in spanish: encendedor, pronunciation: laɪtɜr part of speech: noun, verb hoy in spanish: hoy, pronunciation: hɔɪ part of speech: noun push forward in spanish: empujar hacia adelante, pronunciation: pʊʃfɔrwɜrd part of speech: verb flatboat in spanish: barco de piso, pronunciation: flætboʊt part of speech: noun thrust ahead in spanish: empujar por delante, pronunciation: θrʌstəhed part of speech: verb
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