Ganancia in english


pronunciation: geɪn part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

ganancia = earnings ; gain ; profit ; profit margin ; financial gain. 

Example: It was noteworthy that nearly all SLIS were maintaining their IT materials as much, if not more, from earnings from entrepreneurial activity than out of institutional allocation.Example: This is likely to lead to shorter and less complex profiles for searches, and the gains will be most obvious in a natural language system.Example: As the quantity increased the printer's capital investment, which was always alarmingly high, rose with it, and his profit as a percentage of investment fell.Example: This article discusses vendors' costs and profit margins and suggests librarians should expect either bigger discounts or more added-value services, but not both.Example: Books are stolen for financial gain or out of an excessive passion for the volumes themselves.


» fuente de gananciasmoney-makercash cowmoney spinner .

Example: Today, tourism is becoming the big money-maker, with rubbernecks preferring Fiji to overcrowded Hawaii.

Example: As the market matures, star products become cash cows.

Example: The Olympic games have become a real money spinner for the UK government.

» ganancia anualannual profit .

Example: These solopreneurs have many things in common, most notably, they all show annual profits in the six figures.

» ganancia brutagross profit .

Example: For 217 businesses for which comparable data were available, the gross profit was the same at 29.1 per cent for 1978/9 and 1979/80 but the net trading profit was down from 3.6 per cent to 3.1 per cent.

» ganancia de capitalcapital gain .

Example: Capital gains are a part of being very rich, but so is dividend income tax.

» gananciasproceedsreturnspoilswinnings .

Example: A companionship was a team of piecework compositors, led by one of their number, who co-operated in the setting of a book and submitted a single bill for the work, the proceeds of which were then divided amongst themselves.

Example: Some CD-ROM publishers charge as much as possible and skim the market for the fastest and highest possible return.

Example: As more colleges and university libraries pursue outside funding, the spoils increasingly will go to those institutions which are best prepared for the rigours of fundraising.

Example: The title of the article is 'The winnings, losings, loathings, fears, and fortunes of 8,500 American Library Association conferees who went to Las Vegas'.

» ganancias de la inversiónreturn on investment (ROI)investment returns .

Example: By using appropriate methods, economic impacts and benefits can be calculated as a valid representation of taxpayers' return on investment (ROI) for supporting public libraries.

Example: 'The potential investment returns from holiday lets is a huge draw,' he says.

» ganancias de la ventasale proceeds .

Example: The two brothers decided to contribute some of their sale proceeds from their livestock projects to help find a cure for their friend's disease.

» ganancias en relación con la inversiónreturn on investment (ROI) .

Example: By using appropriate methods, economic impacts and benefits can be calculated as a valid representation of taxpayers' return on investment (ROI) for supporting public libraries.

» impuesto sobre las gananciasprofit(s) tax .

Example: Australia's government girded on Monday for a battle with miners over its plan to slap the industry with a new 40 percent profits tax.

» margen de gananciamarkup ratemarkup [mark-up]profit margin .

Example: Preliminary surveys reveal geographical mark-up rates varied from 5-13% for the USA through 48-57% for EC countries, to 84-96% for Japan.

Example: The Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) charges the same prices to all networks, but the networks add varying surcharges, dues, and markups to the OCLC prices.

Example: This article discusses vendors' costs and profit margins and suggests librarians should expect either bigger discounts or more added-value services, but not both.

» muchas gananciashigh return .

Example: Otherwise it faces the risk that the large investment required in creating digital collections will fail to realise a high return.

» obtener gananciagain + benefit .

Example: It examines the role that small university libraries can play in their surrounding communities and the benefits to be gained by both parties.

ganancias = proceeds ; return ; spoils ; winnings. 

Example: A companionship was a team of piecework compositors, led by one of their number, who co-operated in the setting of a book and submitted a single bill for the work, the proceeds of which were then divided amongst themselves.Example: Some CD-ROM publishers charge as much as possible and skim the market for the fastest and highest possible return.Example: As more colleges and university libraries pursue outside funding, the spoils increasingly will go to those institutions which are best prepared for the rigours of fundraising.Example: The title of the article is 'The winnings, losings, loathings, fears, and fortunes of 8,500 American Library Association conferees who went to Las Vegas'.

Ganancia synonyms

clear in spanish: claro, pronunciation: klɪr part of speech: adjective make in spanish: hacer, pronunciation: meɪk part of speech: verb benefit in spanish: beneficio, pronunciation: benəfɪt part of speech: noun, verb hit in spanish: golpear, pronunciation: hɪt part of speech: verb, noun advance in spanish: avanzar, pronunciation: ədvæns part of speech: noun, verb increase in spanish: incrementar, pronunciation: ɪnkris part of speech: noun, verb reach in spanish: alcanzar, pronunciation: ritʃ part of speech: verb, noun win in spanish: ganar, pronunciation: wɪn part of speech: verb realize in spanish: darse cuenta de, pronunciation: riəlaɪz part of speech: verb derive in spanish: derivar, pronunciation: dɜraɪv part of speech: verb attain in spanish: alcanzar, pronunciation: əteɪn part of speech: verb profit in spanish: lucro, pronunciation: prɑfət part of speech: noun addition in spanish: adición, pronunciation: ədɪʃən part of speech: noun earn in spanish: ganar, pronunciation: ɜrn part of speech: verb take in in spanish: tomar, pronunciation: teɪkɪn part of speech: verb put on in spanish: ponerse, pronunciation: pʊtɑn part of speech: verb, adjective amplification in spanish: amplificación, pronunciation: æmpləfəkeɪʃən part of speech: noun bring in in spanish: traer, pronunciation: brɪŋɪn part of speech: verb pull in in spanish: tirar de, pronunciation: pʊlɪn part of speech: verb get ahead in spanish: salir adelante, pronunciation: getəhed part of speech: verb arrive at in spanish: llegar a, pronunciation: ɜraɪvæt part of speech: verb gain ground in spanish: gana terreno, pronunciation: geɪngraʊnd part of speech: verb make headway in spanish: avanzar, pronunciation: meɪkhedweɪ part of speech: verb
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