Gansear in english


pronunciation: gus part of speech: noun
In gestures

gansear = fool around/about ; clown around/about ; monkey around/about ; goof around/about ; lark around/about ; act + the goat. 

Example: For those professional fools, the clowns, fooling around is serious business.Example: Almost as if I were clowning around when more important things needed to be tended to.Example: The party is over but the monkeying around is just beginning.Example: Does any of your friends goof around and flash you their privates?.Example: This is me and some friends larking about while we were on holiday in Honicombe.Example: He was taking drink as a medication. He was not a just drunken fool, but he was acting the goat = He was taking drink as a medication. He was not a just drunken fool, but he was acting the goat.

Gansear synonyms

zany in spanish: loco, pronunciation: zeɪni part of speech: adjective, noun cuckoo in spanish: cuco, pronunciation: kʌku part of speech: noun goof in spanish: bobo, pronunciation: guf part of speech: noun, verb jackass in spanish: burro, pronunciation: dʒækæs part of speech: noun fathead in spanish: imbécil, pronunciation: fæθed part of speech: noun
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