Hall in english


pronunciation: hɔl part of speech: noun
In gestures

hall = hall. 

Example: The open-plan flexible library can be enonomical since overseeing is facilitated by the openness rather than be dividing the building into rooms or halls, thereby requiring less staff.


» hall de entradaentrance halllobbyentrance foyer .

Example: Many infant and junior schools have books in the entrance hall and in the corridors as well as in the classrooms.

Example: If it were decided to introduce a cloakroom, it would be planned in the space presently used by either newspapers or the short-loan collection, by opening a door from the entrance lobby.

Example: Her photographs of of interiors include libraries, natural science museums, spas, entrance foyers, and zoos.

Hall synonyms

residence in spanish: residencia, pronunciation: rezɪdəns part of speech: noun lobby in spanish: vestíbulo, pronunciation: lɑbi part of speech: noun vestibule in spanish: vestíbulo, pronunciation: vestɪbjul part of speech: noun foyer in spanish: vestíbulo, pronunciation: fɔɪɜr part of speech: noun mansion in spanish: palacio, pronunciation: mænʃən part of speech: noun dormitory in spanish: dormitorio, pronunciation: dɔrmətɔri part of speech: noun dorm in spanish: residencia universitaria, pronunciation: dɔrm part of speech: noun anteroom in spanish: antesala, pronunciation: æntɜrrum part of speech: noun manse in spanish: casa del pastor, pronunciation: mæns part of speech: noun hallway in spanish: pasillo, pronunciation: hɔlweɪ part of speech: noun antechamber in spanish: antecámara, pronunciation: æntəʃɑmbɜr part of speech: noun entrance hall in spanish: hall de entrada, pronunciation: entrənshɔl part of speech: noun residence hall in spanish: residencia, pronunciation: rezɪdənshɔl part of speech: noun mansion house in spanish: Mansión, pronunciation: mænʃənhaʊs part of speech: noun manor hall in spanish: sala señorial, pronunciation: mænɜrhɔl part of speech: noun student residence in spanish: residencia de Estudiantes, pronunciation: studəntrezɪdəns part of speech: noun
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