Ideología in english


pronunciation: aɪdiɑlədʒi part of speech: noun
In gestures

ideología = ideology. 

Example: At the beginning of an institute on the nature and prospects of the catalog, it seems appropriate to take a retrospective look at the evolution of our catalog and the ideology which has shaped it.


» abrazar una ideologíaembrace + an ideologyembrace + an ideology .

Example: This article wards librarians against embracing the ideology of commerce and income generation.

Example: This article wards librarians against embracing the ideology of commerce and income generation.

» ideología políticapolitics  ; political beliefpolitical ideology .

Example: Not only is it an error of judgment but also a Constitutional violation to consider race, creed, color, religion, politics, nationality and sex in evaluating work performance.

Example: In Western democracies, the free expression and exchange of ideas and information is a cornerstone of political belief.

Example: Thoroughly revised and updated, this third edition provides a comprehensive account of the major political ideologies of the past two centuries.

» ideología sionistaZionist ideology .

Example: The swindling & deception the immigrants encountered often preyed on their Zionist ideology & indeed, some of the crooks were Jewish themselves.

Ideología synonyms

political theory in spanish: teoría política, pronunciation: pəlɪtəkəlθɪri part of speech: noun political orientation in spanish: orientación política, pronunciation: pəlɪtəkəlɔrienteɪʃən part of speech: noun
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