Ignorante in english


pronunciation: ɪgnɜrənt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

ignorante = ignorant ; philistine ; ignoramus [ignoramuses, -pl.] ; clueless ; unenlightened ; unknowing. 

Example: Ticknor's belief in the library's potential as one means of inhibiting the chances of unscrupulous politicians who would lead the ignorant astray explains his insistence that the public library be as popular in appeal as possible.Example: Not all large publishing companies are conducted in a callous and philistine manner, motivated solely by profit.Example: This continued diet of pseudocultural pap will produce a generation of ethnocentric ignoramuses ill-prepared to deal with real-world complexities.Example: Well, if you've come this far, and you started off clueless, I must congratulate you for wading through all these explanations.Example: It beggars belief that the liberals view the golly as a racist artefact of unenlightened times.Example: It has often been said that people live their lives in a blissful and unknowing ignorance of the dangers the country faces.

Ignorante synonyms

naive in spanish: ingenuo, pronunciation: naɪiv part of speech: adjective innocent in spanish: inocente, pronunciation: ɪnəsənt part of speech: adjective unconscious in spanish: inconsciente, pronunciation: ənkɑnʃəs part of speech: adjective naif in spanish: naif, pronunciation: neɪf part of speech: adjective illiterate in spanish: analfabeto, pronunciation: ɪlɪtɜrət part of speech: adjective unwitting in spanish: involuntario, pronunciation: ənwɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective nescient in spanish: ignorante, pronunciation: nesiənt part of speech: adjective inexperienced in spanish: inexperto, pronunciation: ɪnɪkspɪriənst part of speech: adjective unknowing in spanish: desconociendo, pronunciation: ənnoʊɪŋ part of speech: adjective, noun uneducated in spanish: deseducado, pronunciation: ənedʒʊkeɪtɪd part of speech: adjective uninformed in spanish: no informado, pronunciation: ənɪnfɔrmd part of speech: adjective unlettered in spanish: analfabeto, pronunciation: ənletɜrd part of speech: adjective unlearned in spanish: indocto, pronunciation: ənlɜrnd part of speech: adjective unenlightened in spanish: no iluminado, pronunciation: ənenlaɪtənd part of speech: adjective unknowledgeable in spanish: desconocida, pronunciation: ənhɑlədʒəbəl part of speech: adjective unversed in spanish: sin revisión, pronunciation: ənvɜrst part of speech: adjective
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