Judicatura in english


pronunciation: dʒudɪʃieri part of speech: noun
In gestures

judicatura = justiceship ; judgeship. 

Example: There are numerous books about Marshall's life, justiceship, and writings.Example: Of the eight judgeships in the district, two are up for election this year.


» judicatura, lajudiciary, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: This article examines, through a discussion of Provincial legislation and relevant case law, how the Canadian judiciary has defined unauthorised practice and whether reference librarians who dispense legal information contravene the law.

» la judicaturathe Bench .

Example: Reliance on court libraries is futile as the libraries are already overstretched by the needs of the Bench.

Judicatura synonyms

bench in spanish: banco, pronunciation: bentʃ part of speech: noun judicature in spanish: judicatura, pronunciation: dʒudɪkətʃɜr part of speech: noun judicatory in spanish: judicial, pronunciation: dʒudɪkətɔri part of speech: noun judicial system in spanish: sistema judicial, pronunciation: dʒudɪʃəlsɪstəm part of speech: noun
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