Kaki in english


pronunciation: kɑki part of speech: noun
In gestures

kaki1 = persimmon. 

Example: This article profiles four successful small farms that grow strawberries, blueberries, olives, and persimmons.

kaki2 = khaki. 

Example: They are the kind of people who wear jodhpurs (possibly khaki in colour) to go to a gymkhana and afterwards sit on the veranda of their bungalow.


» color kakikhaki .

Example: They are the kind of people who wear jodhpurs (possibly khaki in colour) to go to a gymkhana and afterwards sit on the veranda of their bungalow.

Kaki synonyms

himantopus novae-zelandiae in spanish: Himantopus novae-zelandiae, pronunciation: hɪmæntəpəsnoʊvzələndi part of speech: noun japanese persimmon in spanish: caqui japonés, pronunciation: dʒæpənizpɜrsɪmən part of speech: noun diospyros kaki in spanish: kaki diospyros, pronunciation: daɪəspaɪroʊzkɑki part of speech: noun
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