Laico in english


pronunciation: leɪɪk part of speech: adjective
In gestures

laico = secular ; lay ; layperson ; layman [laymen, -pl.]. 

Example: 'See' references are made from different names such as pseudonyms, real names, secular names, earlier names and later names.Example: Most public libraries in western countries are under local control and the smaller the local government unit, the more all embracing is the lay, and therefore uninformed, control.Example: Vows of chastity can also be taken by laypersons as a voluntary act of devotion.Example: Mechanization may yet force the issue, especially in the scientific field; whereupon scientific jargon would become still less intelligible to the layman.


» estado laicosecular state .

Example: By creating a secular state and regarding religion as a natural right outside the jurisdiction of the state, the founders opted for persuasion rather than coercion.

» gobierno laicosecular state .

Example: By creating a secular state and regarding religion as a natural right outside the jurisdiction of the state, the founders opted for persuasion rather than coercion.

» laicos, loslaity, the .

Example: The author endeavors to explore the religious aspirations or religious consciousness of the laity in Western Europe during the High Middle Ages.

» sociedad laicasecular society .

Example: This type of relgion is a cuckoo in the nest that, in the name of secular society and pluralism, is pushing out all other gods.

Laico synonyms

lay in spanish: laico, pronunciation: leɪ part of speech: verb secular in spanish: secular, pronunciation: sekjəlɜr part of speech: adjective profane in spanish: profano, pronunciation: proʊfeɪn part of speech: adjective
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