Lámina in english


pronunciation: ʃit part of speech: noun
In gestures

lámina = art print ; plate ; print ; slice ; wafer. 

Example: An art print is an engraving, etching, lithograph, etc. printed from the plate prepared by the artist.Example: For monographs this statement gives the number of pages, and, if appropriate, the number of plates.Example: Engelmann's technique used only three colour stones (red, yellow, and blue) to make a full-colour print.Example: A number of identical integrated circuits are usually made side by side on a single slice of silicon.Example: To build an integrated circuit, once the silicon crystals have been grown, these crystals will have to be sliced into wafers.


» cristal en láminasplate glass .

Example: Plate glass is often recyled into the raw material used in fiberglass and countertops.

» lámina de cristalplate glass .

Example: Plate glass is often recyled into the raw material used in fiberglass and countertops.

» lámina insertaprinted insert .

Example: All of the printed inserts were stained with a rubber cement adhesive and more than half were no longer attached to the pages of the book.

» persiana de láminaslouvre [louver, -USA]  .

Example: The traditional concept of louvers for solar protection has recently been combined with many fresh ideas.

laminar = laminate. 

Example: Most libraries now use plastic jackets on hard book covers and either laminate paperbacks or use one of the slip-on plastic jackets specially designed for paperbacks.

Lámina synonyms

plane in spanish: avión, pronunciation: pleɪn part of speech: noun tack in spanish: virar, pronunciation: tæk part of speech: noun canvas in spanish: lona, pronunciation: kænvəs part of speech: noun rag in spanish: trapo, pronunciation: ræg part of speech: noun shroud in spanish: sudario, pronunciation: ʃraʊd part of speech: noun sail in spanish: vela, pronunciation: seɪl part of speech: noun, verb canvass in spanish: sondeo, pronunciation: kænvəs part of speech: noun, verb tabloid in spanish: tabloide, pronunciation: tæblɔɪd part of speech: noun mainsheet in spanish: hoja principal, pronunciation: meɪnʃit part of speech: noun bed sheet in spanish: sábana, pronunciation: bedʃit part of speech: noun flat solid in spanish: sólido plano, pronunciation: flætsɑləd part of speech: noun weather sheet in spanish: hoja de clima, pronunciation: weðɜrʃit part of speech: noun piece of paper in spanish: trozo de papel, pronunciation: pisʌvpeɪpɜr part of speech: noun sheet of paper in spanish: hoja de papel, pronunciation: ʃitʌvpeɪpɜr part of speech: noun
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