Machista in english

Male chauvinist

pronunciation: meɪlʃoʊvənəst part of speech: noun
In gestures

machista1 = chauvinist. 

Example: I used to think guys were either chauvinists or cowards but then I noticed I would go back and forth between the two.

machista2 = chauvinistic ; chauvinist ; macho. 

Example: A recent study in Denmark claims that men who watch pornography on a regular basis are more chauvinistic.Example: I am sick and tired of hearing his chauvinist comments, so I have outlined this project to finally change his ways.Example: Some men are being driven away from macho occupations like surgery because they don't feel that they are 'man enough', according to new research.


» cerdo machistachauvinist pigchauvinistic pig .

Example: So who the shit does this chauvanist pig think he is?.

Example: It is not that I wanted to be a chauvinistic pig, but I guess my genetic makeup and the environment I was involved with made me one.

» chovinismo machistamale chauvinismchauvinist piggerychauvinistic piggery .

Example: It may be 2013, but male chauvinism is alive and well and rampant in America!.

Example: In addition, the author urges men to examine their own attitudes for evidences of what he referred to as 'chauvinist piggery'.

Example: And Catholic vows of clerical celibacy, even when kept, have proved to be no bar to all the usual kinds of male chauvinistic piggery.

» insulto machistasexual insult .

Example: Teachers across Britain are subjected to foul language, personal abuse, sexual insults and threats of violence by pupils every few minutes.
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