Magisterio in english


pronunciation: titʃɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

magisterio = teacher education ; teacher-training. 

Example: This is a new journal concerned with the implications for teacher education, both pre-service and in-service, of all aspects of information technology.Example: This article describes the results of a survey to explore attitudes toward library instruction in teacher-training programmes.


» estudiante de magisteriostudent teacher .

Example: I shall not quickly forget being halted in full flight during a visit to a college to speak to student teachers by the explosive entrance of a lecturer.

Magisterio synonyms

education in spanish: educación, pronunciation: edʒəkeɪʃən part of speech: noun pedagogy in spanish: pedagogía, pronunciation: pedəgoʊdʒi part of speech: noun precept in spanish: precepto, pronunciation: prisept part of speech: noun instruction in spanish: instrucción, pronunciation: ɪnstrʌkʃən part of speech: noun educational activity in spanish: actividad educativa, pronunciation: edʒəkeɪʃənəlæktɪvəti part of speech: noun
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