Magistrado in english


pronunciation: mædʒəstreɪt part of speech: noun
In gestures

magistrado = magistrate ; justice. 

Example: At that time a 1-room library served the West African Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court, and the judges, magistrates and lawyers = At that time a 1-room library served the West African Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court, and the judges, magistrates and lawyers.Example: The Court was split by divided opinions: five justices held the opinion that his rights were violated while four justices disagreed.

Magistrado synonyms

justice in spanish: justicia, pronunciation: dʒʌstəs part of speech: noun judge in spanish: juez, pronunciation: dʒʌdʒ part of speech: noun, verb jurist in spanish: jurista, pronunciation: dʒʊrəst part of speech: noun
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