Maldad in english


pronunciation: ivəl part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

maldad = nastiness ; perversity ; sinisterness ; viciousness ; wickedness ; malice ; iniquity ; meanness ; turpitude ; ill will ; badness ; maliciousness ; devilry ; deviltry ; devilment ; act of villainy ; evil-doing. 

Example: He began swearing and saying 'I don't know what you're on about, whatever we do, it's wrong!' and of course I answered his nastiness back.Example: Deliberately to pay less attention to a query because it comes from the mayor of the city, or the chairman of the company, or the vice-chancellor of the university, would betray a perversity foreign to the normal well-adjusted librarian.Example: But there was no trace of sinisterness in Balzac's manner.Example: She said they've tolerated his moods, his viciousness -- everything else -- but that this was the last straw.Example: With the right ingredients put together so that virtue triumphs and wickedness is punished a very satisfying story can be produced.Example: Any organisation's board of directors and its professionals and staff are jointly liable for their actions and/or omissions whether the latter are based on malice or ignorance.Example: To redress this iniquity women are demanding not only equal pay for equal work, but equal pay for work of equal value.Example: He is well known for his abuse of those publishers who, because of meanness and lack of professionalism, do not ensure good and ample indexes.Example: The danger ultimately of erotic and political excess is civic turpitude.Example: On this theory, people are praiseworthy for acts of good will and blameworthy for acts of ill will or lack of good will.Example: Measurement in and of itself is neutral and cannot indicate 'goodness' or 'badness' = Measurement in and of itself is neutral and cannot indicate 'goodness' or 'badness'.Example: Never attribute to maliciousness that which can adequately be explained by mere stupidity.Example: The police will now see that they are protected in future from such devilry.Example: No man who was not a false hypocrite would commit such deviltry.Example: Right now family members of the doctors jailed are telling the media that they would have never thought their kin would plot such devilment.Example: Humans are flawed and crazy and capable of amazing acts of heroism and terrible acts of villainy.Example: If the evil-doing of men moves you to indignation and overwhelming distress, even to a desire for vengeance on the evil-doers, shun above all things that feeling.


» con maldadill-naturedly  ; maliciouslywickedlymalevolently .

Example: Freud was a despot ill-naturedly driving away anyone who in the least respect disagreed with him.

Example: Human rights activist Irene Fernandez has been found guilty of maliciously publishing false news.

Example: The author demonstrates a wickedly funny eye for human frailty without succumbing to cynicism or misanthropy.

Example: They acted venally and malevolently in a botched attempt to scandalize Prime Minister Rudd and Treasurer Swan on the basis of a fraudulent e-mail.

» hablar con maldadspeak + maliciously .

Example: If someone offends you, you discuss it with them personally in a cordial manner, rather than speaking maliciously of them to others.

» sin maldadguileless  .

Example: He cites, for example, a popular reference book from the 1880s, which gushes about the Eskimo's guileless character, keen intelligence, and harmonious politics.

Maldad synonyms

black in spanish: negro, pronunciation: blæk part of speech: adjective, noun malevolent in spanish: malévolo, pronunciation: məlevələnt part of speech: adjective dark in spanish: oscuro, pronunciation: dɑrk part of speech: adjective bad in spanish: malo, pronunciation: bæd part of speech: adjective sinister in spanish: siniestro, pronunciation: sɪnɪstɜr part of speech: adjective wicked in spanish: malvado, pronunciation: wɪkəd part of speech: adjective vile in spanish: vil, pronunciation: vaɪl part of speech: adjective vicious in spanish: vicioso, pronunciation: vɪʃəs part of speech: adjective despicable in spanish: despreciable, pronunciation: dɪspɪkəbəl part of speech: adjective iniquity in spanish: iniquidad, pronunciation: ɪnɪkwɪti part of speech: noun malign in spanish: maligno, pronunciation: məlaɪn part of speech: adjective, verb heinous in spanish: atroz, pronunciation: heɪnəs part of speech: adjective atrocious in spanish: atroz, pronunciation: ətroʊʃəs part of speech: adjective depraved in spanish: depravado, pronunciation: dipreɪvd part of speech: adjective immoral in spanish: inmoral, pronunciation: ɪmɔrəl part of speech: adjective diabolical in spanish: diabólico, pronunciation: daɪəbɑlɪkəl part of speech: adjective ugly in spanish: feo, pronunciation: ʌgli part of speech: adjective grievous in spanish: grave, pronunciation: grivəs part of speech: adjective maleficent in spanish: pernicioso, pronunciation: məlefəsənt part of speech: adjective harmful in spanish: perjudicial, pronunciation: hɑrmfəl part of speech: adjective infernal in spanish: infernal, pronunciation: ɪnfɜrnəl part of speech: adjective, noun flagitious in spanish: malvado, pronunciation: flædʒɪʃəs part of speech: adjective monstrous in spanish: monstruoso, pronunciation: mɑnstrəs part of speech: adjective wickedness in spanish: maldad, pronunciation: wɪkədnəs part of speech: noun immorality in spanish: inmoralidad, pronunciation: ɪmɜrælɪti part of speech: noun diabolic in spanish: diabólico, pronunciation: daɪəbɑlɪk part of speech: adjective satanic in spanish: satánico, pronunciation: sətænɪk part of speech: adjective demonic in spanish: demoníaco, pronunciation: dɪmɑnɪk part of speech: adjective fiendish in spanish: diabólico, pronunciation: findɪʃ part of speech: adjective malefic in spanish: maléfico, pronunciation: məlefɪk part of speech: adjective devilish in spanish: diabólico, pronunciation: devlɪʃ part of speech: adjective injurious in spanish: perjudicial, pronunciation: ɪndʒʊriəs part of speech: adjective unholy in spanish: impío, pronunciation: ənhoʊli part of speech: adjective unworthy in spanish: indigno de, pronunciation: ənwɜrði part of speech: adjective hellish in spanish: infernal, pronunciation: helɪʃ part of speech: adjective mephistophelian in spanish: mefistofélico, pronunciation: mefɪstəfeliən part of speech: adjective mephistophelean in spanish: mefistofélico, pronunciation: mefɪstɑfəlin part of speech: adjective perversive in spanish: pervertidor, pronunciation: pɜrvɜrsɪv part of speech: adjective corruptive in spanish: corruptor, pronunciation: kɜrʌptɪv part of speech: adjective evilness in spanish: maldad, pronunciation: evɪlnəs part of speech: noun evil-minded in spanish: malvado, pronunciation: ivəlmɪndɪd part of speech: adjective
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