Nasal in english


pronunciation: neɪzəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

nasal = nasal ; twangy . 

Example: Throat and nasal specimens were obtained from 53 children, using sterile cotton swabs.Example: She was a mere sliver of a girl, short and skinny, who always spoke in a high-pitched twangy whine.


» conducto nasalnasal passage .

Example: In particular, pug-nosed animals should not fly; their short nasal passages make the changes in air pressure very difficult for them to endure.

» congestión nasalnasal congestion .

Example: The most common drug related adverse events were bloodshot eyes, nasal congestion, dry mouth, hypotension and dizziness.

» descongestión nasalnasal decongestion .

Example: Daily steam inhalation provides nasal decongestion relief.

» espray nasalnasal spray .

Example: When it comes to flu vaccines, most kids clearly and loudly prefer the nasal spray over the traditional shot in the arm.

» hemorragia nasalnosebleed .

Example: Nosebleeds are caused by the rupture of a small blood vessel called a capillary in the nose.

» orificio nasalnostril .

Example: Suddenly, the smell struck his nostrils -- the pungency of processed corn syrup, as if the car had gone off the road and fallen into the neck of a gigantic bottle of syrup.

» seno nasalsinusnasal passage .

Example: Each sinus is connected to the nose by a small opening called an ostium.

Example: In particular, pug-nosed animals should not fly; their short nasal passages make the changes in air pressure very difficult for them to endure.

» spray nasalnasal spray .

Example: When it comes to flu vaccines, most kids clearly and loudly prefer the nasal spray over the traditional shot in the arm.

Nasal synonyms

high in spanish: alto, pronunciation: haɪ part of speech: adjective pinched in spanish: apretado, pronunciation: pɪntʃt part of speech: adjective rhinal in spanish: rinal, pronunciation: raɪnəl part of speech: adjective high-pitched in spanish: agudo, pronunciation: haɪpɪtʃt part of speech: adjective adenoidal in spanish: adenoidal, pronunciation: ædənɔɪdəl part of speech: adjective nasal bone in spanish: hueso nasal, pronunciation: neɪzəlboʊn part of speech: noun nasal consonant in spanish: consonante nasal, pronunciation: neɪzəlkɑnsənənt part of speech: noun os nasale in spanish: os nasale, pronunciation: ɑsnɑseɪl part of speech: noun
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