Padecer in english


pronunciation: sʌfɜr part of speech: verb
In gestures

padecer = experience ; suffer ; strike ; face. 

Example: If facilities like these are not supported by the data base design, the users of the system will experience slow response times.Example: Since the introduction of computer-based indexing systems alphabetical indexing languages have become more prevalent, and UDC has suffered a reduction in use.Example: The collections of the National Library of the Czech Republic have suffered from the floods that recently struck a large part of the country.Example: Hungary faces far-reaching socio-economic transformation which will inevitably affect libraries as well.


» bebé que padece de cólicoscolicky babycolicky infant .

Example: Calm a colicky baby by rocking the baby, burping the baby over your shoulder or massaging the tummy in a clockwise motion.

Example: The typical pattern of a colicky infant is one who cries increasingly throughout the day, but mostly in the early evening or late afternoon.

» padecer alergiasuffer from + an allergy .

Example: If you suffer from an allergy or food intolerance, please let us know before ordering so that we can advise you.

» padecer carencia dego without .

Example: When I was young, we went without winter boots = De pequeño nunca tuve unas botas de invierno.

» padecer desuffer from .

Example: Plainly, catalogues do not suffer from the above four limitations of document arrangement.

» padecer de cólicosbe colicky .

Example: My baby is very colicky -- Is there anything over-the-counter that I can give him that may help?.

» padecer (de) demenciasuffer from + dementia .

Example: By the time of his death, Hoggart, then 95, had been suffering from dementia for some time and had long been out of public life.

» padecer del síndrome de abstinenciasuffer from + withdrawal symptoms .

Example: He seems to be suffering from withdrawl symptoms now that there is no footie on the telly at weekends.

» padecer de trastorno(s) de ansiedadsuffer from + an anxiety disorder .

Example: Here you will find an anxiety test for panic attacks as well as some helpful advice from someone who suffers from an axiety disorder.

» padecer + Enfermedadget + Enfermedad .

Example: He'll get an ulcer or a heart attack if he doesn't watch out.

» padecer en + Posesivo + carnesexperience + first-handlearn + the hard wayhave + a first-hand experience .

Example: As students, we experience first-hand how drastic budget cuts directly affect the quality of public education.

Example: The article 'Los Angeles library fire -- learning the hard way' outlines preventative measures to be considered in case of fire in libraries.

Example: Having been raised in East Africa, I have a first-hand experience of gender inequalities and the plight of poor young women in Africa.

» padecer hambresuffer from + hunger .

Example: Their aims is to reduce by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger.

» padecer levemente dehave + a slight condition .

Example: Thankfully I grew out of the epilepsy and haven't been bothered by that since I was eight, but I do have a slight condition which might mean, in years to come, I'll need a valve transplant.

» padecer recortesexperience + cutbacks .

Example: In the present climate of economic retrenchment some media centers may be experiencing staff cutbacks.

» padecer tensiónexperience + stress .

Example: Overall, the library media specialists experienced stress in the mild to moderate range.

» padecer una enfermedadsuffer from + a condition .

Example: It is suggested that visits to a toy library could be of great benefit to children suffering from this condition.

» que padece de cólicoscolicky newborn .

Example: Parents who find themselves in the unenviable position of being home with a colicky newborn can rest assured that there is a cure.

» recién nacido que padece de cólicoscolicky newborn .

Example: Parents who find themselves in the unenviable position of being home with a colicky newborn can rest assured that there is a cure.

Padecer synonyms

bear in spanish: oso, pronunciation: ber part of speech: verb, noun get in spanish: obtener, pronunciation: get part of speech: verb abide in spanish: acatar, pronunciation: əbaɪd part of speech: verb stand in spanish: estar, pronunciation: stænd part of speech: verb, noun have in spanish: tener, pronunciation: hæv part of speech: verb meet in spanish: reunirse, pronunciation: mit part of speech: verb endure in spanish: soportar, pronunciation: endjʊr part of speech: verb sustain in spanish: sostener, pronunciation: səsteɪn part of speech: verb hurt in spanish: herir, pronunciation: hɜrt part of speech: verb, noun stomach in spanish: estómago, pronunciation: stʌmək part of speech: noun brook in spanish: arroyo, pronunciation: brʊk part of speech: noun ache in spanish: dolor, pronunciation: eɪk part of speech: noun, verb tolerate in spanish: tolerar, pronunciation: tɑlɜreɪt part of speech: verb put up in spanish: Hospedarse, pronunciation: pʊtʌp part of speech: verb
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