Padecimiento in english


pronunciation: sʌfɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

padecimiento = malady. 

Example: Melancholy followed him like his shadow in his journey; and on his return to Rome his malady increased.

Padecimiento synonyms

sad in spanish: triste, pronunciation: sæd part of speech: adjective hurt in spanish: herir, pronunciation: hɜrt part of speech: verb, noun distress in spanish: angustia, pronunciation: dɪstres part of speech: noun woe in spanish: aflicción, pronunciation: woʊ part of speech: noun wretched in spanish: desdichado, pronunciation: retʃɪd part of speech: adjective miserable in spanish: miserable, pronunciation: mɪzɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective agony in spanish: agonía, pronunciation: ægəni part of speech: noun unhappy in spanish: infeliz, pronunciation: ənhæpi part of speech: adjective troubled in spanish: preocupado, pronunciation: trʌbəld part of speech: adjective
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