Palpitar in english


pronunciation: θrɑb part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

palpitar = pulsate ; pound ; throb ; pulse ; flutter ; palpitate. 

Example: The place is pulsating with life from families at the restaurants and fruit shops.Example: He was obviously having a nightmare and his heart was pounding so fast that she thought he was dying.Example: This image throbs when you look at it but it's just an optical illusion.Example: When I bend down, or bend over, my head starts to pulse and sometimes it feels like it is going to explode.Example: Above the columns, weighing a total of 37000 kgs, is the impressive draping, decorated with festoons that seem to flutter in the breeze.Example: My heart sometimes palpitates when I am startled or sometimes when I bend forward.

Palpitar synonyms

pulse in spanish: pulso, pronunciation: pʌls part of speech: noun pound in spanish: libra, pronunciation: paʊnd part of speech: noun thrill in spanish: emoción, pronunciation: θrɪl part of speech: noun shudder in spanish: estremecimiento, pronunciation: ʃʌdɜr part of speech: noun, verb shiver in spanish: temblar, pronunciation: ʃɪvɜr part of speech: noun, verb pounding in spanish: golpeteo, pronunciation: paʊndɪŋ part of speech: noun throbbing in spanish: palpitante, pronunciation: θrɑbɪŋ part of speech: noun pulsate in spanish: latir, pronunciation: pʊlzeɪt part of speech: verb
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