Radical in english


pronunciation: rædəkəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

radical1 = hardliner ; bigot. 

Example: Iranians have voted for hardliners just out of spite.Example: It has become far too easy for charlatans and bigots to harness religion to their own political agenda.

radical2 = drastic ; radical ; deep-seated ; dramatic ; vowed ; bigoted. 

Example: Even when drastic revision is seen to be necessary and accepted, the point in time at which to conduct this extensive review can be difficult to select.Example: A similar approach to arrangement, but one which is less radical than reader interest arrangement, is to rely upon broad categorisation rather than detailed specification.Example: Librarians have always had a deep-seated, and often irrational, faith in education -- especially book-centred, information education -- as a panacea for society's ills.Example: This kind of distribution is represented by a curve which shows a hugely lopsided frequency for the majority, then a dramatic drop, dribbling off into a long tail of mostly zeros.Example: The archtypical animal rights activist is embodied in Emma Peel, a suicidal grammar school dropout, a vowed fruitarian, & member of the Animal Liberation Front.Example: As a bigoted radio personality incites whites to seek revenge, tensions mount and Smith fights to slake the anger that engulfs him.


» cambio radicalrevulsionradical changesea change .

Example: I have spoken of enumeration in terms perhaps dictated by a revulsion from the view so often held that the compilation of subject catalogues is the true and proper function of the bibliographer.

Example: Theses paintings represent the continuation of China's long pictorial heritage in an era of radical change and challenges for artists.

Example: Local publishing in the developing world will undergo a sea change if the Bank adopts the recommendations of the seminar as policy.

» cambio radical de actitudvolte-faceabout-face .

Example: Although she has repeatedly ruled out calling an early election, she says her volte-face is motivated by the need to 'strengthen our hand in negotiation with the European Union'.

Example: Tanzania provides one of the most extreme examples of an about-face in food marketing.

» cambio radical de opiniónvolte-faceabout-face .

Example: Although she has repeatedly ruled out calling an early election, she says her volte-face is motivated by the need to 'strengthen our hand in negotiation with the European Union'.

Example: Tanzania provides one of the most extreme examples of an about-face in food marketing.

» cambio radical de posturaabout-faceabout-turnvolte-face .

Example: Tanzania provides one of the most extreme examples of an about-face in food marketing.

Example: The Attorney General was left with egg on his chin when no-one, not even his Prime Minister, bothered to inform him of this about-turn.

Example: Although she has repeatedly ruled out calling an early election, she says her volte-face is motivated by the need to 'strengthen our hand in negotiation with the European Union'.

» causa radical, laradical cause, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: Edwards had already shown his identification with the radical cause two years earlier by signing the Charter.

» ecologista radicaltree-huggereco-warrior [Consulta la entrada "eco" para ver otras palabras que empiezan por esta abreviatura] .

Example: My wife is a bit of a tree-hugger, so she went ape-shit when I ran over a frog.

Example: Now, sheep are being enlisted as eco-warriors in the battle against invasive plant species.

» hincha radical del fútbolfootball hooligan .

Example: The violence wasn't caused by war vets but by football hooligans.

» volver radicalradicalise [radicalize, -USA] .

Example: The report on the likely impact of the Iraqi war on British Muslims warned that the conflict would embitter and radicalize them.

Radical synonyms

group in spanish: grupo, pronunciation: grup part of speech: noun base in spanish: base, pronunciation: beɪs part of speech: noun root in spanish: raíz, pronunciation: rut part of speech: noun stem in spanish: vástago, pronunciation: stem part of speech: noun, verb new in spanish: nuevo, pronunciation: nu part of speech: adjective theme in spanish: tema, pronunciation: θim part of speech: noun basic in spanish: BASIC, pronunciation: beɪsɪk part of speech: adjective ultra in spanish: ultra, pronunciation: ʌltrə part of speech: adjective revolutionary in spanish: revolucionario, pronunciation: revəluʃəneri part of speech: adjective, noun basal in spanish: basal, pronunciation: beɪsəl part of speech: adjective extremist in spanish: extremista, pronunciation: ekstrimɪst part of speech: adjective, noun root word in spanish: palabra raíz, pronunciation: rutwɜrd part of speech: noun immoderate in spanish: inmoderado, pronunciation: ɪmɑdɜreɪt part of speech: adjective free radical in spanish: radicales libres, pronunciation: frɪrædəkəl part of speech: noun radical sign in spanish: signo radical, pronunciation: rædəkəlsaɪn part of speech: noun
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