Radioterapia in english


pronunciation: reɪdiəθreɪpi part of speech: noun
In gestures

radioterapia = radiotherapy ; radiation therapy. 

Example: Radiotherapy is a method of treating diseases and therefore belongs to the 'Treatment of disease' facet of Medicine.Example: The author describes a patient treatment collaboration between the physician at the nuclear reactor performing the radiation and the radiation planning experts at a radiation therapy clinic.

Radioterapia synonyms

irradiation in spanish: irradiación, pronunciation: ɪreɪdieɪʃən part of speech: noun actinotherapy in spanish: actinoterapia, pronunciation: æktənɔθɜreɪpi part of speech: noun radiation therapy in spanish: terapia de radiación, pronunciation: reɪdieɪʃənθerəpi part of speech: noun
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