Ramificar in english


pronunciation: bræntʃ part of speech: noun
In gestures

ramificarse = branch out (into) ; branch into. 

Example: The company now has offices in the UK, the USA and Asia, and has branched out into consultancy and software development.Example: The book also examines the epistemological, theoretical, socio-technical, and practice directions that social work has branched into.



» ramificarsebranch out (into)branch intobranch off .

Example: The company now has offices in the UK, the USA and Asia, and has branched out into consultancy and software development.

Example: The book also examines the epistemological, theoretical, socio-technical, and practice directions that social work has branched into.

Example: It is estimated that the Romani people left India about 1,000 years ago, passed the Caucasus Mountains and then moved across the southern coast of the Black Sea to Europe, where they branched off to different regions in the 13th century.

ramificarse = branch off. 

Example: It is estimated that the Romani people left India about 1,000 years ago, passed the Caucasus Mountains and then moved across the southern coast of the Black Sea to Europe, where they branched off to different regions in the 13th century.

Ramificar synonyms

offset in spanish: compensar, pronunciation: ɔfset part of speech: verb separate in spanish: separar, pronunciation: sepɜreɪt part of speech: adjective, verb arm in spanish: brazo, pronunciation: ɑrm part of speech: noun leg in spanish: pierna, pronunciation: leg part of speech: noun fork in spanish: tenedor, pronunciation: fɔrk part of speech: noun ramify in spanish: ramificarse, pronunciation: ræməfaɪ part of speech: verb offshoot in spanish: vástago, pronunciation: ɔfʃut part of speech: noun subdivision in spanish: subdivisión, pronunciation: sʌbdɪvɪʒən part of speech: noun outgrowth in spanish: excrecencia, pronunciation: aʊtgroʊθ part of speech: noun
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