Rap in english


pronunciation: ræp part of speech: noun
In gestures

rap = rap. 

Example: In future, this publishing house will explore other subjects within the popular culture sphere, including the UFO phenomenon and widely derided music genres like heavy metal, disco and rap.


» música raprap music .

Example: Her essay examines works which may be used to develop a core collection of rap music.

Rap synonyms

strike in spanish: Huelga, pronunciation: straɪk part of speech: noun, verb tap in spanish: grifo, pronunciation: tæp part of speech: noun, verb belt in spanish: cinturón, pronunciation: belt part of speech: noun pink in spanish: rosado, pronunciation: pɪŋk part of speech: adjective, noun pat in spanish: palmadita, pronunciation: pæt part of speech: noun blame in spanish: culpa, pronunciation: bleɪm part of speech: verb, noun knock in spanish: golpe, pronunciation: nɑk part of speech: verb, noun whack in spanish: golpear, pronunciation: wæk part of speech: noun, verb knap in spanish: amontonar, pronunciation: kænæp part of speech: verb whang in spanish: whang, pronunciation: wæŋ part of speech: noun rap music in spanish: música rap, pronunciation: ræpmjuzɪk part of speech: noun
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