Tajante in english


pronunciation: kʌtɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

tajante = absolutist ; peremptory ; forthright ; uncompromising ; categorical ; unequivocal ; categoric ; unmitigaged. 

Example: Most of the students who discussed the film seemed to have derived an almost absolutist and very specific understanding of its meaning.Example: The author's argumentation is vehement, sometimes peremptory, but not conclusive.Example: We have been told once, in clear and forthright terms, what it is that we need.Example: What precipitated that furor was that Panizzi's volume represented a uncompromising rejection of the comfortable ideology of the finding catalog.Example: There is a categorical moral imperative for a deepening and a renewal of the concept of collegiality -- that is a blend of intense competition and mutual support -- in relations between research scholars and research librarians.Example: The exhaustive and unequivocal definition of the nature and types of material qualifying to be described as ephemera could probably form the basis of a learned dissertation.Example: The question of the need for categoric assurances is not locked into a 12 month timeframe or any other timeframe.Example: Only Bush could take a horrible situation and create an unmitigated disaster.


» afirmación tajanteprotestation .

Example: In spite of their protestations to the contrary, most bosses prefer subordinates whom they get along with, who cause them no anxiety, who quietly accept their decisions, who praise them.

» de forma tajanteuncompromisinglyflatlyperemptorily .

Example: For the first time the stress was uncompromisingly vertical, while the italic was intended to be a mechanically sloped roman, quite unconnected with calligraphy.

Example: He flatly states that 'librarians could not have helped us' to organize and make available the most important research resources to others in the field.

Example: In the Bible, mankind is made peremptorily different from animals.

» de manera tajanteuncompromisinglyflatlyperemptorily .

Example: For the first time the stress was uncompromisingly vertical, while the italic was intended to be a mechanically sloped roman, quite unconnected with calligraphy.

Example: He flatly states that 'librarians could not have helped us' to organize and make available the most important research resources to others in the field.

Example: In the Bible, mankind is made peremptorily different from animals.

» de modo tajanteuncompromisinglyflatlyperemptorily .

Example: For the first time the stress was uncompromisingly vertical, while the italic was intended to be a mechanically sloped roman, quite unconnected with calligraphy.

Example: He flatly states that 'librarians could not have helped us' to organize and make available the most important research resources to others in the field.

Example: In the Bible, mankind is made peremptorily different from animals.

Tajante synonyms

cut in spanish: cortar, pronunciation: kʌt part of speech: verb, noun keen in spanish: afilado, pronunciation: kin part of speech: adjective cold in spanish: frío, pronunciation: koʊld part of speech: adjective, noun slip in spanish: resbalón, pronunciation: slɪp part of speech: noun, verb bleak in spanish: desolado, pronunciation: blik part of speech: adjective sharp in spanish: agudo, pronunciation: ʃɑrp part of speech: adjective raw in spanish: crudo, pronunciation: part of speech: adjective, noun piercing in spanish: perforación, pronunciation: pɪrsɪŋ part of speech: adjective clipping in spanish: recorte, pronunciation: klɪpɪŋ part of speech: noun unkind in spanish: cruel, pronunciation: ənkaɪnd part of speech: adjective edged in spanish: afilado, pronunciation: edʒd part of speech: adjective carving in spanish: tallado, pronunciation: kɑrvɪŋ part of speech: noun stinging in spanish: escozor, pronunciation: stɪŋɪŋ part of speech: adjective stabbing in spanish: puñalada, pronunciation: stæbɪŋ part of speech: adjective thinning in spanish: adelgazamiento, pronunciation: θɪnɪŋ part of speech: noun knifelike in spanish: como un cuchillo, pronunciation: naɪflaɪk part of speech: adjective film editing in spanish: Edición de película, pronunciation: fɪlmedətɪŋ part of speech: noun cutting off in spanish: cortando, pronunciation: kʌtɪŋɔf part of speech: noun newspaper clipping in spanish: recorte de periódico, pronunciation: nuzpeɪpɜrklɪpɪŋ part of speech: noun press cutting in spanish: corte de prensa, pronunciation: preskʌtɪŋ part of speech: noun press clipping in spanish: recorte de periódico, pronunciation: presklɪpɪŋ part of speech: noun
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