Ufanarse in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

ufanarse = grandstand. 

Example: Low key and humble, he would never be the type to grandstand and bluster about injustice.

Ufanarse synonyms

blow in spanish: soplo, pronunciation: bloʊ part of speech: noun, verb feature in spanish: característica, pronunciation: fitʃɜr part of speech: noun gas in spanish: gas, pronunciation: gæs part of speech: noun sport in spanish: deporte, pronunciation: spɔrt part of speech: noun tout in spanish: revendedor, pronunciation: taʊt part of speech: noun, verb brag in spanish: jactarse, pronunciation: bræg part of speech: verb, noun bluster in spanish: fanfarronear, pronunciation: blʌstɜr part of speech: noun vaunt in spanish: jactarse, pronunciation: vɔnt part of speech: verb, noun swash in spanish: chapoteo, pronunciation: swɑʃ part of speech: noun boasting in spanish: jactancia, pronunciation: boʊstɪŋ part of speech: noun gasconade in spanish: gasconada, pronunciation: gæskəneɪd part of speech: noun jactitation in spanish: impostura, pronunciation: dʒæktəteɪʃən part of speech: noun self-praise in spanish: auto-elogio, pronunciation: selfpreɪz part of speech: noun shoot a line in spanish: hablar pretenciosamente, pronunciation: ʃutəlaɪn part of speech: verb
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