Uncir in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

uncir = yoke. 

Example: The children are allowed to fully interact with these animals, help yoke the oxen and in turn, each child gets to drive a team of oxen.

Uncir synonyms

brace in spanish: abrazadera, pronunciation: breɪs part of speech: noun span in spanish: lapso, pronunciation: spæn part of speech: noun link in spanish: enlazar, pronunciation: lɪŋk part of speech: noun, verb pair in spanish: par, pronunciation: per part of speech: noun couple in spanish: Pareja, pronunciation: kʌpəl part of speech: noun duo in spanish: dúo, pronunciation: duoʊ part of speech: noun dyad in spanish: pareja, pronunciation: daɪæd part of speech: noun couplet in spanish: copla, pronunciation: kuplət part of speech: noun coupling in spanish: acoplamiento, pronunciation: kʌplɪŋ part of speech: noun twain in spanish: dos, pronunciation: tweɪn part of speech: noun duet in spanish: dueto, pronunciation: duet part of speech: noun distich in spanish: dístico, pronunciation: dɪstɪk part of speech: noun twosome in spanish: pareja, pronunciation: tusəm part of speech: noun duad in spanish: duad, pronunciation: dwɑd part of speech: noun doubleton in spanish: doubleton, pronunciation: dʌbəltən part of speech: noun
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