Vacunar in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

vacunar = inoculate ; vaccinate. 

Example: Careful reasoning can inoculate us against religious fanaticism and political doublespeak.Example: Pregnant women are usually advised not to be vaccinated and avoid medicines unless absolutely necessary.


» vacunar contravaccinate against .

Example: A wildlife trust has become one of the first private organisations to vaccinate badgers against bovine tuberculosis.

» vacunarseget + vaccinated .

Example: So when you get vaccinated to protect yourself, you're protecting your family as well.

» vacunarse contra la gripehave + a/the flu jab .

Example: Yes, it's fine to have the flu jab while you are taking a course of antibiotics, provided you are not ill with fever.

Vacunar synonyms

inoculate in spanish: inocular, pronunciation: ɪnɑkjəleɪt part of speech: verb innoculate in spanish: inocular, pronunciation: ɪnɔkjəleɪt part of speech: verb immunize in spanish: inmunizar, pronunciation: ɪmjunaɪz part of speech: verb
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