Valeroso in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

valeroso = determined ; valiant ; courageous ; plucky ; brave ; gutsy ; gutty ; ballsy . 

Example: The fifteenth edition, published in 1951, represented a determined effort to update and unify the schedules.Example: Manchester Public Libraries are making a valiant attempt to offer a suitable facility despite over-crowding and lack of space.Example: One of the most effective ways of combatting racism is through enlightened, moderate and courageous work colleagues.Example: Steel's book exemplifies what might be termed the subgenre of 'Mutiny novel,' using such conventional characters as the plucky Englishwoman, the unflappable English gentleman-spy, and the crazed religious zealot.Example: It would be a brave man who would predict that such a process will always remain clumsy, slow and faulty in detail = It would be a brave man who would predict that such a process will always remain clumsy, slow and faulty in detail.Example: After everything that man has been through, it's amazing that he's able to put in such gutsy performances; even in defeat.Example: As he walked off the field, I shook his hand and told him that I hadn't seen such a gutty performance in a long time, and I sincerely meant it.Example: Some called her trashy and stupid but I sincerely think the girl is ballsy.

Valeroso synonyms

game in spanish: juego, pronunciation: geɪm part of speech: noun desperate in spanish: desesperado, pronunciation: desprɪt part of speech: adjective brave in spanish: valiente, pronunciation: breɪv part of speech: adjective stalwart in spanish: leal, pronunciation: stɔlwɜrt part of speech: adjective, noun gallant in spanish: galante, pronunciation: gælənt part of speech: adjective, noun gritty in spanish: arenoso, pronunciation: grɪti part of speech: adjective valiant in spanish: valiente, pronunciation: væljənt part of speech: adjective heroic in spanish: heroico, pronunciation: hɪroʊɪk part of speech: adjective spirited in spanish: enérgico, pronunciation: spɪrɪtəd part of speech: adjective fearless in spanish: audaz, pronunciation: fɪrləs part of speech: adjective spunky in spanish: guaperas, pronunciation: spʌŋki part of speech: adjective undaunted in spanish: impávido, pronunciation: əndɔntɪd part of speech: adjective gamy in spanish: picante, pronunciation: geɪmi part of speech: adjective gamey in spanish: juego, pronunciation: gæmi part of speech: adjective mettlesome in spanish: celoso, pronunciation: metəlsəm part of speech: adjective valorous in spanish: valoroso, pronunciation: vælɜrəs part of speech: adjective stouthearted in spanish: alentada, pronunciation: stuθɑrtɪd part of speech: adjective lionhearted in spanish: corazón de león, pronunciation: lənhɑrtɪd part of speech: adjective
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