Yacer in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

yacer = lie down. 

Example: They stopped or lay down or wallowed frequently just before the crossing point on the river.


» importancia + yacerthe importance of + Nombre + lie .

Example: The importance of serials lies in the relative speed at which they are able to communicate information on the results of scholarly research = La importancia de las publicaciones seriadas radica en la velocidad relativa con que son capaces de informar sobre los resultados de la investigación científica.

» yacer enlie (in) [Verbo irregular: pasado lay, participio lain, gerundio lying] .

Example: The main limitation of this pragmatic approach lies in the time and collection dependency of the resulting tool.

» yacer enterradolie + buried .

Example: Then, there was only a long, deathly silence -- Pompeii lay buried for nearly 1700 years.

» yacer ocultolie + hidden .

Example: For six years, the torture chamber lay hidden in the cellars of what had once been an orphanage for deaf children.

» yacer postradolie + prostrate .

Example: Pope Francis today lay prostrate in the centre of St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican to commemorate Jesus' death by crucifixion.

Yacer synonyms

dwell in spanish: habitar, pronunciation: dwel part of speech: verb rest in spanish: descanso, pronunciation: rest part of speech: noun consist in spanish: consistir, pronunciation: kənsɪst part of speech: verb belong in spanish: pertenecer a, pronunciation: bɪlɔŋ part of speech: verb prevarication in spanish: prevaricación, pronunciation: prəverəkeɪʃən part of speech: noun lie down in spanish: acostarse, pronunciation: laɪdaʊn part of speech: verb lie in in spanish: quedarse en cama, pronunciation: laɪɪn part of speech: verb
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