Yacimiento in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

yacimiento = lode ; field. 

Example: Discovering these tales, looking out printed versions and comparing them with the oral tradition would have introduced us step by step into the rich lode of folklore.Example: In 1897 he quit a wretchedly underpaid job and set out to make his fortune as a prospector in the gemstone fields of Alice Springs.


» yacimiento arqueológicoarchaeological digarchaeological sitearchaeological excavation .

Example: Examples which might be found in a resource centre are tools excavated locally in archaeological digs.

Example: This program has been tested on 2 large archaeological sites with good results in terms of speed and accuracy of data entry.

Example: A hoard of silver coins, along with bronze coins bearing the names of the Maccabean kings was discovered in April during an archaeological excavation.

» yacimiento auríferogoldfield .

Example: Based on real events on the Australian goldfields in the 1850s, 'Three Diggers' chronicles the adventures of three gold prospectors.

» yacimiento de carbóncoal field .

Example: Deep in the rugged coal fields of West Virginia, the rumble of a steam locomotive mingles with the sound of the New River crashing through its steep rocky gorge.

» yacimiento de mineralmineral deposit .

Example: Geologists may thus be able to predict the extent of mineral deposits, strength of rocks and the behaviour of groundwater reservoirs.

» yacimiento de orogoldfield .

Example: Based on real events on the Australian goldfields in the 1850s, 'Three Diggers' chronicles the adventures of three gold prospectors.

» yacimiento de petróleooil field .

Example: This is a valuable quality control tool now finding commercial use in the oil field.

» yacimiento mineromineral deposit .

Example: Geologists may thus be able to predict the extent of mineral deposits, strength of rocks and the behaviour of groundwater reservoirs.

» yacimiento petrolíferooil field .

Example: This is a valuable quality control tool now finding commercial use in the oil field.

Yacimiento synonyms

stick in spanish: , pronunciation: stɪk part of speech: noun, verb bank in spanish: , pronunciation: bæŋk part of speech: noun fix in spanish: , pronunciation: fɪks part of speech: verb, noun posit in spanish: , pronunciation: pɑzət part of speech: verb pose in spanish: , pronunciation: poʊz part of speech: verb wedge in spanish: , pronunciation: wedʒ part of speech: noun lodge in spanish: , pronunciation: lɑdʒ part of speech: noun deposition in spanish: , pronunciation: depəzɪʃən part of speech: noun repository in spanish: , pronunciation: ripɑzətɔri part of speech: noun sediment in spanish: , pronunciation: sedəmənt part of speech: noun situate in spanish: , pronunciation: sɪtʃueɪt part of speech: verb depository in spanish: , pronunciation: dɪpɑzətɔri part of speech: noun down payment in spanish: , pronunciation: daʊnpeɪmənt part of speech: noun sedimentation in spanish: , pronunciation: sedəmənteɪʃən part of speech: noun alluviation in spanish: , pronunciation: æluvieɪʃən part of speech: noun bank deposit in spanish: , pronunciation: bæŋkdəpɑzɪt part of speech: noun
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