Zapatilla in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

zapatillas = slippers ; house slippers ; carpet slippers. 

Example: The days of needing to change into carpet slippers before going to such an area have thankfully passed by.Example: Vicka was in such a hurry to catch her friends that she went out wearing house slippers.Example: Abraham Lincoln wore these carpet slippers until the time of his death.


» zapatillas de atletismotrack shoes .

Example: Whether you're just starting out or are a seasoned runner we have the best men's track shoes for you.

» zapatillas de casaslippershouse slipperscarpet slippers .

Example: The days of needing to change into carpet slippers before going to such an area have thankfully passed by.

Example: Vicka was in such a hurry to catch her friends that she went out wearing house slippers.

Example: Abraham Lincoln wore these carpet slippers until the time of his death.

» zapatillas de clavosspikes .

Example: Equality of opportunity is a myth: whilst some people start the race highly trained and wearing spikes others have balls and chains attached to their ankles and wear hobnailed boots = La igualdad de oportunidades es un mito: mientras que algunas personas empiezan la carrera muy preparados y llevan zapatillas de clavos, otras arrastran grilletes y cadenas en sus tobillos y llevan botas con clavos.

» zapatillas de correrrunning shoes .

Example: As I walk through the door of the first sporting goods store, I look for the running shoes I want.

» zapatillas de deportesneakerstrainerssport(s) shoes .

Example: Offended by the idea of an addict selling sneakers to kids, he launched into a curmudgeonly rant.

Example: Strike threat after PE teacher is sacked for wearing trainers in class.

Example: Players commonly bring their sports shoes with cleats or spikes, along with a pair of walking shoes to wear normally.

» zapatillas de fútbolfootball shoes .

Example: This is a common injury that can be avoided with the proper football shoes.

» zapatillas de lonapumpsplimsolls .

Example: Here are a few ideas on how to wear pumps in a fashionable way.

Example: She wears a red and white checkered short sleeved shirt, black skinny jeans and red and black plimsolls.

» zapatillas deportivassneakerssport(s) shoestrainers .

Example: Offended by the idea of an addict selling sneakers to kids, he launched into a curmudgeonly rant.

Example: Players commonly bring their sports shoes with cleats or spikes, along with a pair of walking shoes to wear normally.

Example: Strike threat after PE teacher is sacked for wearing trainers in class.

» zapatillas de tenistennis shoes .

Example: Most of us already know that new dress shoes are more prone to slide than old dress shoes or tennis shoes.

Zapatilla synonyms

horseshoe in spanish: , pronunciation: hɔrsʃu part of speech: noun brake shoe in spanish: , pronunciation: breɪkʃu part of speech: noun provide with shoes in spanish: , pronunciation: prəvaɪdwɪðʃuz u-shaped plate in spanish: , pronunciation: uʃeɪptpleɪt
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