Administer in spanish


pronunciation: ɑdministɹ̩ɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

administer1 = administrar, gestionar. 

Example: Until Groome appeared, city officials were chosen not so much for their ability to administer the affairs of their offices as for who they knew; hence, old-style machine politics with its accompanying corruption found a congenial atmosphere in which to operate.


» administer + the coup de grace = asestar el golpe de gracia, dar el golpe de gracia.

Example: He was also the only of the partners in crime who administered the coup de grace to each of the murdered women.

administer2 = realizar. 

Example: A performance rating should be administered at the end of the probationary period.


» administer + evaluation = realizar una evaluación.

Example: After the probationary period, performance evaluations are administered on a recurring basis.

» administer + punishment = administrar castigo, impartir castigo.

Example: Another nautical phrase is 'no room to swing a cat' and refers to the fact that on the cannon decks of most naval ships there was no room to administer punishment by use of the cat o'nine tails.

» administer + questionnaire = pasar un cuestionario.

Example: Librarians must assess community needs by compiling a community profile based upon sources of local statistical data and administering questionnaires to community workers and those people living in the community.

Administer synonyms

lot in spanish: mucho, pronunciation: lɑt part of speech: noun deal in spanish: acuerdo, pronunciation: dil part of speech: noun, verb dispense in spanish: dispensar, pronunciation: dɪspens part of speech: verb distribute in spanish: distribuir, pronunciation: dɪstrɪbjut part of speech: verb allot in spanish: asignar, pronunciation: əlɑt part of speech: verb administrate in spanish: administrar, pronunciation: ædmɪnɪstreɪt part of speech: verb dole out in spanish: repartir, pronunciation: doʊlaʊt part of speech: verb dish out in spanish: repartir de, pronunciation: dɪʃaʊt part of speech: verb mete out in spanish: repartir de, pronunciation: mitaʊt part of speech: verb shell out in spanish: pagar, pronunciation: ʃelaʊt part of speech: verb deal out in spanish: repartir, pronunciation: dilaʊt part of speech: verb parcel out in spanish: distribuir, pronunciation: pɑrsəlaʊt part of speech: verb
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